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Wednesday, August 14, 2019

A Rabbi, A Priest and a Kangaroo Walk Into a Bar: Vocallically Constrained Variations

Kanga, Roo and a bear living under the name of Sanders 
walk into a bar...
An eastern grey named Ken G. Aroostook 
walks into a bar…
A western grey arrested for plucking a rooster* 
walks into a bar…
King Kong, a room freshener salesman and an antilopine 
walk into a bar…
Hans Küng, a roofing sales rep/part-time mohel and a mallee 
walk into a bar…
A rubber ducky, NGA rooftop marksman Uly Poe and a wallaby 
walk into a bar...
     * Not to be confused with Jack Kent's 
comic strip monarch King Aroo.

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...And Another Thing...: Seven Miniature Four-Panel (3 3/8" By 8" Reducing In Three Folds To 3 3/8" By 2") Faux Exquisite Corpses And Their Respective Sets Of Rhyming Lines With Texts Derived From Puns Based On Homonyms To The Vocable 'Ex/Quis/It(e)/Corpse'

Faux Exquisite Corpse #1:  Hex/Wiz/Seat/Corpse H ex:  Bright Pennsy - Dutch décor.  Wiz:  Oz oligarch of yore. S eat:  So soft  when butts b...