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Saturday, September 28, 2019


Take It In Reverse!

Z, Y, X and W...
V, U, T and S, R, Q...
P, O, N plus M and L...
K, J, I, H (as in 'Hell')...
G, F, E, D, C, B, A.  
ABC, but backwards, eh…?  
(Demonstrate some flair, some flex
when next you read your ZYX!)

Take It From the Center!

M, N, L and O, K, P...
J, Q, I, R, H, S, G...
T, F, U and E, V, D...
W and C, X, B...
Y, A, Z. Some Linear B...?
Nope! Just a spiral’d ABC. 

Your Take It From Here!

C, B, A and E, D, J…
P, G, H and T, V, K…
M, N, I and S, X, Q…
F, K, Y and R, O, U…
Z, of course, and W:

(What goes here…? One line from you.)

Take It Straight! Then Take It Snak’d!

Straight stroked: A, E, F, H, T...
straight, as well: K, L, V, Z...
straight, too: M, N, X, and I...
W’s straight. And ikewise Y. 
The rest -- B, C, D, G and U... 
plus J, O, P and R, S, Q -- 
contain one curvy stroke (at least). 
(With that, this ABC I've ceased.) 

Take My Order!

First: A, E, I, O,
(and sometimes Y): 
each one's a vowel -- on 
that you can rely. 
And all the rest -- B, C, 
D, F and G...
plus H, J, K, L, M...? 
Plus N and P... 
and Q, R, S, T,
plus X and Z... 
(plus W, the one 
They're consonants. So: now 
your ABC
you know, from vow'ls through con-
sonants. Agree...? 

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(Verses and images to come:  a work in progress.) HAMPDEN  DAMP HEN DAPHNE M.  MEAN PHD DAPH 'N’ ME  H, P, M AND E    …AND HEMP  Bandid...