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Monday, October 14, 2019

Gaelic Roots

Motel in-room snack bar nut or toxin frackin’ Fido’s gut.*
     * Macadamias are apparently toxic to dogs.  

Toney Tony-winning part or tough transgender's nom-de-tart.

Baltimorons' spice vendeur or 'mick'…or 'Mac.' (Seems no one’s sure.)

Grasping geezer, Loon de Loot or Ebenezer, cast as coot.*
     *  A canvasback or gallinule or bufflehead – but no one’s fool

Where Phillip* plants his totem pole or country tasked with crowd control.** 
     * The Man of Macedonia, of course 
     ** Cf recent refugee crisis at Greek border

Slipp'ry slope towards childhood lard or poorly spelt 'McFlies.' (Canard!)  

Hitchcock movie plot technique or letters from my 'muffin' leak.*
     * I.e., an ‘a,’ a ‘c’ and a ‘G’ dropped from ‘MacGuffin’ leave ‘muffin.’

     MacHu (Picchu) 
Abandon'd Incan real estate or Irish sneeze. (Gesundheit, mate!)

Apple breed, or leakproof coat or Gael immersed in nonsense quote.*
     * Mc in 'tosh'

     Mick Jagger 
UK knighthood candidate* or packhorse manager’s work state.
     * I.e., Sir Mick  
     ** In England the owner or manager of a pack of horses was called a jagger.

Island in a Huron Lac or relatives of Mac call’d ‘Ac.’ 

Virginia home to CIA or new McDonald's meal. (No way!)

Nouveau-riche “garage mahal" or (sans 'i') Erse M.,* C.,** et al.***
     * I.e., Marilyn, the rocker   ** I.e., Charles, the nutter   
     *** I.e., other members of the so-called “Manson family.”

Dude dubb’d Boob (Rube's* handiwork) or laptop user's Apple quirk.
     * I. e., Goldberg.  

Star Fleet officer named "Bones" or how a Jew from Galway moans.

     MacPherson (Strut) 
Suspension system in fine cars or move on "Dancin' With Scots Stars."

Prissy to Leigh's Scarlett O'* or Irish guy in gay floor show.
     * I. e, Butterfly

Sandwich made with barbie’d pork or baby's bunk from Leith or Cork.*
     * I.e., Mac Crib.

Innovative publishing,
or "What-if-Todd-were-Irish…?" thing. 

     ("Soap") MacTavish 
"Call of Duty" go-to guy or suds for Irish drip 'n' dry. 

    MacUlar (Degeneration) 
Age-related loss of sight or Quarter Pounder burger blight.

Homely home-grown terror bird* or Irish “Oy! Vey!” spelt absurd.
     * I.e., Oklahoma bomber Timothy.

     MaxWell (House) 
Caffeine good to final drop or where Mac plops his mops to sop.*
     * I.e., Mac's well house.  

Major "Reign of Terror"ist”* or beaucoup bucks within one's fist.**
     * I.e., Robespierre   ** I.e., maxi million

Sponsor of that big parade or Irish inn where young men stay'd.*
     * A Dublin YMCA.

Sgt. "Jim"'s* own CAPTCHA word or letter salad – shaked and stir’d.
     * That’s Sgt. N. (“Jim”) Smithe-Magee (the N stands for ‘(k)Nack)

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