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Thursday, November 19, 2020

Repost: BUG ABC

A's for A BUGDonald Rumsfeld, 
shocking awful ABU Ghraib Bug!

B's for B BUGMs. Savitsky, 
bitchin' Bella ABzUG Bug!

C's for C BUGJohn Belushi: 
"…-burger, cheese-!" (Cheese BUrGer Bug!)

D...? D BUG's Marlene Dietrich: 
Deutsch-treat BlaUEnGel Bug!

E's for E BUGKing Kong: esca-
lator’d E. State BUildinG Bug.

F’s for F BUGSwiss Jean Tinguely, 
fabled FreiBoUrG Fauvist Bug!

G’s for G BUGyoung Abe Lincoln, 
gabby GettysBUrG Address Bug!

H...? For H BUGLittle Toot, the 
hapless happy HarBor TUG Bug!

I's for I BUGAdolf Hitler: 
rare "Is Paris BUrninG...?" Bug!

J's for J BUGOscar Hammer-
stein: "June's BUstinG Out All O-…" Bug!

K's for K BUGBoris I,* the 
karmic Khan (BUlGari'n) Bug!

     * Boris (the) First, of course – 
i.e., not Boris Ingelheim the 
New Jersey orthodontist

L...? For L BUG: Wolverines: those 
"I Love Thee, Li'l Brown JUG" Bugs!

M...? M BUG's The Artist’s* "The Most 
BeaUt'ful Goil In 
Woild" Bug!

     * The one formerly known as 'Prince'

N's for N BUGMs. Monroe: the 
nubile Nude-on-Bear-RUG Bug!

O's for O BUGK. L. Bates:* "O
BeautifUl For 
Spacious...Grain" Bug!

     * Composer of "America the Beautiful" 
Katherine Lee Bates

P's for P BUGA. Carnegie: 
philanthropic PittsBUrGh Steel Bug!

Q's for Q BUGMarx, aka 
QuackenBUsh (dubb'd Groucho) Bug!

R's for R BUGMichael Richards: 
racist RaBid JUnkyard DoG Bug!

S...? S BUG's for Messers Flatt and 
Scruggs: two Southern BlUeGrass Bugs!

T's for T BUGJoseph Gibbs: a 
Turncoat BUrgundy 'n' Gold Bug!

U’s U BUG's United Ara-
Bic RepUb' of EGypt Bug!

V's for V BUGC. Bartholin*: 
VestiBUle...VaGina” Bug!

     * The Younger

W’s BUG is Patrick Henry: 
WilliamsBUrg Gunpowder Bug!

X...? For X BUGRyken*: Xaver-
ian Bro from BrUGge Bug!

     * I.e., T. J. Ryken

Y's for Y BUGRodgers:* "You've Got
Caref'llY to B
TaUGht" Bug!

     * Richard, of course, 
not Roy – note spelling (orthography, 
of course, not Tori)

Z's for Z BUGPike: Z-z-z-z-z-z-z-z-z-breeding 
ZeBUlon MontGom'ry Bug! 

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