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Tuesday, December 29, 2020

In Handustan, Illustrated

Lord Rajher Manorbourne, explorer,
wars on foreign shores. (The horror!)
Weeks he wends au caravan
to, lately, land in Handustan. 

Lord Rajher and Russell

Says Rajher, "More's the merrier!"
So joining him's his terrier,
dubb'd Russell: one ear black, one tan.
Best friend of Handustan.

Who likewise lurks at Rajher's side...?
Fist-Hugh, tann'd Handustani guide,
a whiz in Bible and Quran.
He'll quote you Handustan.

Harry ("Krishna") Fist-Hugh


His valet, Freitag, jack of all,
displays his many-color'd shawl.
Although he'll tell you, "I'm yer man,"
he's Rajher's Handustan.

Lord Rajher's man Freitag

(More "In Handustan" to come, 
including additional images; 
a work in progress.) 


Rev'd Spooner Meets Rev'd Carroll

He sought to thaw  each thought he saw  flee, frozen, from his mind.  He peer'd again,  then gear'd his pen,  supposin' he'd...