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Thursday, December 31, 2020

Omen or The Emigre Dragomen's 24 Prognostichs: Some Nomen's Omens, Complete (4 x 3 x 2 x 1 = 24) & In Strict Dactylic Hexameters

'Ev'rything' -- nom'native singular neuter -- 
in Latin...? That's 'omne.
'Draggin' yer feet with respect to them chores, be ya...? 
Best to git on 'em     
Who got the last round of Belgians...? You say you did...? 
Next round's on me!
Land of 10,000 lakes whistle-stop, is it...? 
Oë, MN.     
Twin'd, in the southwestern desert, with Oë...? 
That's Oë, NM.
That poem of yours...? It's (like) totally nonsense! 
(Your poem's a noem.)

Who question'd Socrates, "Tell me: is arete 
teachable...?" Meno.
'New,' its m silent (remember...? It's just like 
'mnemonic'): that's 'mneo.'     
Faucets -- for bathrooms, for kitchens 'n' shower heads...
Let me admonish, advise and explain. I.e., 
please let me mone!    
Hamlet (it's likewise a river) in Hants (read 
'in Hampshire'): that's Meon.
Norse, when compell'd to spell 'something
with silent Greek m, may spell 'mnoe.' 
French football manager born in the '50s...? 
Just one: Albert Emon.     
In "The Wizard of Oz," someone falls in a hog pen...? 
Was that Auntie Em...? No.
'Mongst abecedarial eons, which one follows L...? 
Eon M.
One of some thirty-six ancient Egyptian divisions...? 
That's nome. 
Yahoo Finance boasts a media network. 
Hire EOMN.
Domain names need regist'ring; web sites need hosting. 
And thus there is Enom.

You want height-adjustable table base tech...? 
That's electric...? Call Enmo.
Norristown Area High School Alumni 
(well, some): NMOE. 
God bless Nick Meo! Nick seeks better patient care, 
tweets @nmeo.
Tell me the name of that gas which fills tubes 
used in signs...? Is it 'neom'...?
Slumberland visitor...? Undersea vision'ry...? 
Both well-named Nemo.
Emigre dragomen's 24 portents...? 
"Amen" to each omen. 

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