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Friday, August 20, 2021

-Sanities: an ABC (11)

There's Anaïs Ninsanity,
Anne Boleynsanity,
East Berlinsanity,*
Black and Tansanity,
Blue Vein Blintzanity,
Louvain Blitzanity...
and ('xcuse me French) always 
Coq au Vinsanity.**
     * Some mss show 'Bowlin'
Grinsanity' here. 
     ** Not to be confused with
NBA shooting guard Vince Carter's
signature Vinsanity.
There's Dark Wood Tintsanity,
Eastwood, Clintsanity,
Errol's (and kid sister Beryl's)
Flynnsanity --
who, it turns out, 
proves Flynn's Evil Twinsanity.
Freddie Prinzanity's
Floral Chintzanity.
There's Gunga Dinsanity,
Gilbey's Ginsanity, 
Household Hintsanity,
Ho Chi Minhsanity, 
Hester Prynnesanity.
(Question: who's not question'd
Hannity's sanity…?)
There's Hail to the
(Washington, D.C.) 'Skinsanity,
Watson's Jim’s, Papp’s and
Huck'berry’s Finnsanity,
Rumi the Dervish's
and -- all too often
Idi Aminsanity.
There's Ivan Pninsanity,
Junior Mintsanity,
Jim DeMintsanity.
(Jim’s…? Mint insanity!)  
Basil and Sib's Fawlty Towers,
the Bates Motel,
Saracen's Head and Jamaica
There's Ed "Have you met my son 
Keenan…?" Wynnsanity,
too little Lena
or Ken Olinsanity;
Senator Levin notes
no Levinsanity,
still...there's Loretta
(and Mooney!) Lynnsanity.
There's Merrill Lynchanity. 
(No Nell Gwynnesanity…?)*
"Not by the hair of my
(Here, out of order, is 
Prince Repninsanity,
father to Ivan.**
(It’s next-of-Kinsanity.)
     * Nor is there observed much
Geisel's Grinchanity -- except,
of course, seasonally.
     ** Ivan Pnin -- cf verse five 
There's Osamma binsaahneti,
Qui-Gon Jinnsanity,
Tony Quinnsanity,
Pisner Quintsanity,
Rembrandt van Rijn-
(mispronounc'd like "Rin") -sanity.
There's Surat-al-Jinnsanity, 
Lau's Shaolinsanity,
seven-fold (more, surely!)
deadly Sinsanity,
Belgian cartoonist Hergé's
And (with a stretch) there is
There’s Vitaminsanity,
Triple Winsanity,
Yang and Yinsanity,
Howard Zinn sanity.*
Hey...let's head home 
in my Zeppelinsanity!
     * Historian Zinn authored
an essential text, "The People's
History of the United States,"
a must-read.

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