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Monday, September 27, 2021

November the First (Past)

Last evening some kids buzz’d the bell at my door.
What follows…?  Their names and the costumes they wore:
Alfie appear’d as an ash-cover’d ghost.
Beulah me “Boo!”’d in her snood of burnt toast.
Calvin came clad in a coat of chain mail.
Doug dress’d as Roy; sister Dot dress’d as Dale.
Eve’s ev’ry inch…? Either ecru or yellow.
Freddie’s fun fat suit made Fred “one stout fellow.”
Gillian's get-up...? The garb of a ghoul.
Hans was a haddock. (He haul’d his own pool!)
I is for Ivy, in indigo draped.
His jock strap Jules wore. (And, like Darth, he came caped.)
K is for Kent, in a kilt…and that’s all!
Lil…? Like a look-alike Lucille Ball.
M is for Miles, his mug (mostly) was mask’d.
Nellie came naked; yet, nobody ask’d.
Oliver’s outfit was Oil of Olay.
Pam’s pink pajamas were papier-mache.
Q is for Quinn. As Quixote…? Not quite…
Rudy arrived as The Radical Right.
S is for Sal. Her serape…? Surreal!
Tim wore a tux of titanium steel.
U’s for Ulysses, in underwear. (Ugh!)
Vince wore a vest – and our vicar’s old rug.
Ward wore a worsted wool waistcoat in white.
Xan sported x-rated socks. Such a sight!
Yul wore a yashmak of yellow-stain’d sheets.
Z…but by that hour I’d run out of treats.

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(Verses and images to come:  a work in progress.) HAMPDEN  DAMP HEN DAPHNE M.  MEAN PHD DAPH 'N’ ME  H, P, M AND E    …AND HEMP  Bandid...