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Friday, September 3, 2021

Play-By-Play Book (Past)

The A within my Book of Plays plays 
“…(deer) an’ ant’lope play…”
The B there trumps some ump’s “Play ball!” 
like one hears op’ning day.
The C – no child’s play – placates. 
D completes the 'druple play.
They play around, do playboys, 
as on placemats plaice they place.
‘Display,’ ‘play dumb,’ ‘Play-Doh,’ ‘playdate’: 
each downplays some disgrace,
while E smokes Player's navy cut: 
his cancer's al' Anglais.

In Playhouse 90, horseplay 
keeps the alphabet in play.
F’s playful foreplay goes some way 
to keep foul play at bay.

Then F flips through John Playford 
and his English Dancing Master.
The G has eyes to plagiarize: 
such tort may court disaster.
(My lungs…? Play’d out! Quick: come about! 
I can’t play any faster.)
Amen, amen! Let’s go again – 
I’m keen; I’m less jejune.
The H cries, “Let’s play hardball! 
Let’s politicos impugn”…
while I…? I watch and scratch my crotch 
and try to play in tune.
The J would win his million 
playing Jeopardy online.
J cries, “You lie.” But in his eye 
I spy the dollar sign.
The K attends Kamp Lay-Z-Lug;
the rush be Susquehanna's.
The L awakes Ignaz Pleyel: 
“Retune yer damn pianas!”
The M plays genus Musa…
Monocots…in short, bananas.

Plays N, O, P,  Q, R, S, T
from 'napkin-ring' to 'thing.'
What's yet unknown's what brand of Jones
that U through Y might bring...
...while Z’s got ways to paraphrase 
the Bard's “Ze play’s ze ting.”

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