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Monday, May 29, 2023

One Fine Day in the Kalihari

A verse prequel to "The Gods Must Be Crazy"
featuring Namibian farmer N!xau ╪Toma in his
younger days prior to his encounter with that
Coca-Cola bottle.

Once, N!xau found a piece of string.
“Attach,” his father said, “that thing 
to both ends of this willowwood 
and form a bow. You know you should, 
for with that bow you'll snare a hare, 
and all shall dine on tasty fare.” 
“Forget the bow,” his mother said. 
“Give me that piece of string instead 
and I shall thread it through this hide 
to make a loin cloth just so wide 
to camouflage your private parts... 
...and galvanize all San gal's hearts.” 
Spoke N!xau's brother then: “Forget 
those gals! Give me that string! I’ll bet, 
when fasten’d to this blackthorn pole 
and taken to the fishing hole, 
that string will net us fish galore -- 
perhaps a dozen -- maybe more.”

Then N!xau thought about that thread
and ev'rything his fam'ly'd said.
"The breech cloth would be dope, as would
the pole or bow: that's understood.
But I prefer to form a ring
to forecast what the future'll bring."

( more to come; a work in progress)  

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