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Saturday, July 27, 2024

The Managram In The Moon: #14 Porter


Cole, on wings of gossamer,
eyes Moonscape's color, 'peter' -- 
a moon-rock hue stain'd greyish-blue
and spewing putrid fetor.

"Just One of Those Things" (song)

Porter's lyric envisions "...a trip 
to the Moon on gossamer wings..."

The Managram In The Moon: #13 Poe


"A pale ol' garden...? I think not,"
says Hans through Edgar Poe.
"What scapes the Moon has truly got
perhaps you'll never know." 

"The Unparalleled Adventure
of One Hans Pfaall"

Hans travels via a revolutionary new balloon 
and a device which converts the vacuum of 
space into breathable air. He withholds 
information regarding the Moon's surface 
from people back on Earth.

Friday, July 26, 2024

The Managram In The Moon: #12 Ariosto


Signore Ariosto's notice
("I avoid cool tours")
means "I hate long, cold lunar sojourns":
That's his. So...what's yours...? 

Orlando Furioso

Orlando's friend Astolfo flies to the Moon
in Elijah's flaming chariot in search of
Orlando's lost wits.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

The Managram In The Moon: #11 Andersen


Appends Hans Christian Andersen:
"...'n' share in Danish trances:
just don dese ol' galoshes, frien,'
'n' join our moonlight dances."

The Galoshes of Fortune

The Managram In The Moon: #10 Tucker


Poor Tucker's suffering
rocket-egg rue:
"No eggs were involved."

A Voyage to the Moon

The Managram In The Moon: #9 Goose


Mother Goose:
"'Moo!'s go there,
i.e., cows. (Not 

Hey! Diddle Diddle
pre-16th century 

The dog and the runaway
dish and the spoon...?
No evidence either 
lit out for the Moon. 

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

The Managram In The Moon: #8 Ives


Asks Cora Semmes Ives,
"Pure mores...? Nope! Same vices
we wreak'd before that Northern War:
'tis how the cornpone slices." 

The Princess of the Moon:
A Confederate Fairy Tale

Ms. Ives's moon utopia depicts 
"a purified vision of the antebellum South." 

The Managram In The Moon: #7 Defoe


"O, failed Eden,
island Earth,"
drones Dan. "Might you, Moon,
yield more worth...?"

The Consolidator

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

The Managram In The Moon: #6 Godwin


Godwin sings 
of rancid wings:
"But geese that smell
still fly quite well." 

The Man in the Moone

The Managram In The Moon: #5 Méliès


Georges Méliès says,
"I'm Lèse Georges
were I to not my 
Moon ship forge."

A Trip to the Moon

The Managram In The Moon: #4 Kepler


Johannes Kepler...?
He's "Joke Planner."
Born, was Johann, 
to that manner. 


Monday, July 22, 2024

The Managram In The Moon: #3 Verne


"June revels...?" yells Verne.
"J'aime tell'ment la Lune...
...nor do none more bright burn
than moons loomin' in June."

From the Earth to the Moon

The Managram In The Moon: #2 Cyrano


"Ecce! Yer a grand orb!"
So swears sword whiz Cyrano.
(Who croons to moons 
must join the loons
and off to Bedlam go.) 

Comical History of the States 
and Empires of the Moon

Cyrano travels to the Moon using
rockets propelled by firecrackers.

The Managram In The Moon: #1 Lucian


"Is a fat Moon casual...?"
asks Samosata's Lucian.
(Who asks so twee 
we'll ne'er let flee
his mental institution.) 

A True Story 
2nd century A.D.

The boat carrying Lucian and his
crew of 50 is swept up by a giant tidal 
cyclone and carried to the Moon. 

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Materials for Moon voyage piece

Anon  late 9th - early 10th century  The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter
     Moon princess, banished to Earth as a baby, returns to the Moon accompanied by an entourage of Moon people. 

Polish folklore  Pan Twardowski 
     Twardowski is dropped onto the Moon while being taken by the Devil to Hell. He continues to live on the Moon, allowing his companion, a spider, to descend from time to time to Earth on a thread.  

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

A Man, A Plan, A Can-... (ard, A Savoyard...?)

As oft I've said before,
my goal's been to explore,
through metric feet 'n' rhymes galore --
through metrics 'n' rhymes galore -- 
the soul of ancient lore, 
then dole (though less be more)
out yarns from yore -- at least four score -- 
that ne'er have been doled before.

As elsewhere I have said,
my plan's to forge ahead,
to sift Lit's gamut from A to Zed --
Lit's gamut from A to Zed -- 
to thread through letterhead
with pen (or pencil lead)
a scribble of verse (or prose instead)
which never before's been read.

Once more my spirit's stirr'd --
my wit my Muse has spurr'd -- 
to fashion forms of cartoon 'n' word --
to fashion cartoon 'n' word --
till verity's been blurr'd 
(though such may seem absurd),
then, undeterr'd, to hone a herd
of notions till now unheard. 

In closing, I concede
that, though I feel a need
the athenaeums of wit to feed --
'thenaeums of wit to feed --
my only fruitful deed
is barely to succeed 
in mass producing a freakish breed 
of Nonsense but few will read. 

Monday, July 15, 2024

Your Voice, Your Vote: Anagrammatic Options, 2024

Don't say you can't. 
You know you can. 
Just holler, "Vote 
     Or, beat your drum 
and blow your trumpet, 
telling pals to vote 
     Pull your socks up! 
Show some nerve! 
Then tell 'em, "Vote for 
     Or...just enhance 
your MAGAdance, 
abandon hope...and vote 

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Drumpf Speaks To His Base Introducing His Latest Drumpf-Branded Product, DrumpfEar©, Following 7.13.24; Or, "For...More...Ears!!"

"Achtung, you MAGAmugs! I fear 
I've gain'd a vote but lost an ear.
Friends, countrymen: do lend me yours!
Mine's, I've shat my draw'rs.
     But buy my DrumpfEar©, made of plastic.
Tack it to your own with mastic.
Pink 'n' tone-deaf -- just  like mine -- 
it's yours...for $90.99."

"I'm now crown'd King of Kinky Ears:
Van Gogh, Colbert... that pair are peers,
though I alone raise up my fist.
(Of fisting folk, I top the list.)
     But buy my DrumpfEar©. But you must.
'Twill tell your world 'In Drumpf We Trust.'
It comes in sizes S, M, B(igly).
Big-eared be, like Uncle Wiggley."

"Right-wing ties...? Too red, too long.
Melania says the look's all wrong.
I say true MAGAns wear red ties.
(All do do, who believe my lies.)
     But, meanwhile, buy my DrumpfEar©, do!
(Who's truely true to  Drumpf buys two.)
I want your loot. Plus, chew on this: 
my next assassin might not miss.

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Stakeout At Chez Gardener: Homage; Or, I Then Drew You This Picture: An Apologial Sketchbook

     Here's logg'd three dogg'rel stiches, all burlesquing lines by Carroll
     in the hopes of launching loads of laughs -- at minimum, a barrel.
     To diss 'em you're entitled; you dismiss 'em at your peril.


I mark'd a crescent moon, that segment sewn on Muslim flags. 
I then drew you this picture, like those shown in Turkish mags. 
Your comment...? Brash: "Who pens such trash be nowt but scalawags." 

I gazed on Joe; he's six-foot-fo' but elsewise like ourselves. 
I then drew you this picture which into his essence delves. 
But you, like H.V.D. before you, moo'd, "More bleedin' elves...?" 
     *Hugo Dyson, Tolkien's fellow Inkling, on hearing that man's 
reading of his Ring Trilogy's latest installment, famously remarked,
""F**k! Not another elf!"

I found a shrivell'd foreskin (a memento from some bris...?).
I then drew you this picture. (Note the dehydrated jizz.)
Can I be sure you really have no clues to whose it is...?

I ran across a mood ring. (How shall stay a mystery.)
I then drew you this picture -- true to life, as well you see.
Your attitude...? Your routine mood. (You're such an s.o.b.*)
     *"Spawn of a bitch' allows for gender-neutral slander. 

I stumbled on a lava lamp at St. Jude's jumble sale.
I then drew you this picture at a seven-thirteenths scale.    
(You never liked St. Jude's -- how all the price tags were in Braille.)

I spied a Bible planted in our fam'ly's chiffarobe.
I then drew you this picture. 'Fess up! Who's the credophobe...?
Your out-of-order answer...? Some misquoted verse from Job.

I broke two Xmas bubble lights bequeathed to us by Mom. 
I then drew you this picture of their fragments in my palm. 
If I have warn'd you once, I've done a thousand times: Stay calm!
I ate three Brit-baked sausage rolls, each stuff'd with mince of pheasant.
I then drew you this picture: "Happy birthday! Here's your present."
Your feedback, once you'd eyed it, proved remarkably unpleasant.

I read a line of Lewis's where's mention'd railway shares.
I then drew you this picture showing half a dozen pairs. 
You cannot know how struck I was when you remark'd, "Who cares!" 
I eyed a damaged emu egg, one smuggl'd from its nest.
I then drew you this picture which such sightings would attest.
I'd fail'd to realize my sketch would leave you so distress'd.

I then saw...who...? (So: was it you...? The shaver gave no name.)
Whereon I drew this picture -- though as yet it lacks a frame.
But you'd agree: whate'er I see, your come-back's e'er the same...?

Friday, July 5, 2024

One Fine Day At Texas Tex's Textile Tavern

     In one 
West-Texas town 
sits a textile-themed tap
     stuff'd with 
crepes, cottons, calicos, 
cashmeres with nap.
priest and a minister 
enter that bar;
join'd by a rabbi 
these holy men are.
     "All di-
vines, vicars, padres, 
imams, monks in robes..."
Tex, "...welcome be. Fear not 
State's moral probes!
Tavern embraces 
all men of the cloth --
gardless of credo. 
(Unless you're a moth.)"

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Selfie Sketchbook: Terrorism Takes A Pair Of Poses

The Domestic Terrorism Cellfie 

     Pose One
We're white, supreme...the Master Race,
'n' foreign-born but fer God's grace.
Ya'll girlie girls best learn yer place.
(Does tinfoil headgear spoil my face....?)
   We're proud. We're loud. We're MAGA's base.
We march the Mall, spray ya'll with mace...
though White House docs Drumpf does misplace
'n' tyrants' rants Drumpf does embrace.
(My cap is made of foil 'n' lace.)
   We synagogues 'n' mosques deface. 
Us dudes das Juden won't replace.
That Holocaust did not take place.
(My tinfoil hat glean'd that from space.) 

     Pose Two
   To Pence 'n' Nancy we give chase.
We'd hang 'em both to make our case
for burnin' down this frickin' place.
(My tinfoil tam scans scams from space.)
   While climate change will us outpace,
asylum seekin' we'll erase.
Our cons to Don will throw each race. 
With Dems we'll never interface.
(My hat of tin tunes din to space.)
   Of shame we show no hint nor trace. 
We'll not stand down; we'll not lose face. 
(My tin-foil cap maps raps from space. 
We pack AK-s, though, just in case.)

Selfie Sketchbook: Peter...


Pete Pumpkineater's Pumpkin Shellfie

Our Peter a dilemma's got:
his strife 'n' trouble* nags...a lot.
(Plus, who's that squash what crash'd Pete's shot...?)
     *'Trouble-'n'-strife' is 
Cockney rhyming slang for 'wife.'

Monday, July 1, 2024

Selfie Sketchbook: Bethle'm...

The Bethle'm Boychik's First Noëlfie

A swaddl'd Savior squats in straw
and Virgin Mary's womb's still raw,
while Joseph muses, "Who's his Paw...?" 

Selfie Sketchbook: Southerm...

The Dixie Lost Cause Rebel Yellfie

"Uncle!" mutters Robert E.
while Sherman utters, "To the sea!"
and Johnny stutters, "Yee-haw-yee-e-e-ee!" 

Selfie Sketchbook: Rossini...


The G. Rossini's William Tellfie

Pomme-topp'd Junior bears his task.
Kemo sabe wears a mask.
(Where his sidekick stares...? Don't ask.)

Rev'd Spooner Meets Rev'd Carroll

He sought to thaw  each thought he saw  flee, frozen, from his mind.  He peer'd again,  then gear'd his pen,  supposin' he'd...