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Thursday, September 26, 2024

Bard's Cards; or, Shakespeare: The Hallmark Years

Britain's greatest dramatist honed his writing chops by 
penning quatrains for wry Elizabethan epistolarians. 

     Baby shower / new mom 
Love looks not with the eye but with the mind.
That diaper's full: Bambo thy bairn's behind!

     Sympathy / cellmate  
The better part of valor is discretion.
Consider my lips sealed re thy obsession.   

     Nth invoice / chronic deadbeat 
Neither a borrower nor a lender be. 
The final nail: now, forthwith, mail my fee! 

     Breakup / unisex 
Shall I compare thee to a summer's day...? 
Thou lazy, hazy, crazy art, okay...?

    Prenup congrats / sister-in-law 
Soft! what light through yonder window breaks...? 
Thou art engaged...? Let's hope this time it takes.

     Get well / favorite aunt 
To be, or not to be, that is the question.
Thy cancer diagnosis...? Indigestion. 

      Merry Xmas / juvenile
Once more unto the breach, dear friend, once more. 
I hope Claus gifts thee all thou bargain'd for. 

     Retirement / office colleague 
Methinks I am a prophet new inspired. 
Thy job's offshore...? Give thanks thou art retired. 

     Belated birthday / nephew 
Make me a willow cabin at your gate
so next year's gift buck won't arrive so late.      

     Pre-op wish / ex-spouse 
The quality of mercy is not strain'd.
Thou'll breathe far better with thy sinus drain'd. 

     Ash Wednesday / former pastor 
Now's the winter of our discontent.
I would thee reap a more repentant Lent. 

     New Year's / MAGA uncle 
Is this a dagger which I see before me...?
Happy New Year! (Hope next term's less stormy.)

Wednesday, September 25, 2024


Use silent 'a' when spelling 'bread.'
(Though ought it not be 'bred' instead...? 
And, as a rule, with bred come crumbs, 
tho' one's deem'd "fool" who spells 'em 'crums.')
     A pair of sissors -- sans a 'c'-- 
should snip as surely, seems to me,
on Wenesday as the day before.
(This seems a take on "Less Is More.")
     'Lov' fares fine without an 'e' --
though Indiana'd* disagree.
(I can no silent-'f' words find.
To further search I'm disinclined.)
     *"Love" series pop artist Robert Indiana

Monday, September 16, 2024

Now We Are Big: The Adult Fates of Some Childhood Mates

Little Black Sambo
Li'l Abner Yokum
Little Red Riding Hood
Little Miss Muffet
Little Nemo
Little Toot
Little Eva 
No longer little -- 
though still undeniably black -- 
and eschewing the moniker 'Sambo,' 
believing it wack,
Sam is now Abul-qasim Abwan, 
after turning his back
on McComb, Mississippi 
and heading for Basra, Iraq.

No longer 'Li'l' -- 
although growing disturbingly vocal
in his rants against use 
of the libelous epithet 'yokel' --
Abner's shutter'd his shack 
and resign'd from the bed testers local.
(Will such turnabouts alter him...? 
Betcha a week in New Yo'k'll.) 
Grown, although still looking chic 
in her signature hood,
Red no longer haunts Grandmama's Forest, 
nor feels that she should.
"I'm so finished with canines 'n' crones, now. 
Is that understood...?"
rages Red as she shoulders her basket. 
"I'm leaving for good."

Grown, though still prone 
to evade ev'ry maid-stalking spider,
Muff's now ask'd a famed arachnologist colleague 
to guide her.
From their cheese curd and whey food truck, 
marketing crab-apple cider,
they report that no insect of any ilk
even has eyed her.

No longer little, 
nor keen on some Slumberland visit,
preferring Las Vegas 
(which sure ain't no Slumberland, is it...?),
our Nemo now wanders the Strip ev'ry night,
while in lieu
of pajamas he sports used fatigues --
and a pith helmet, too. 

No longer little 
nor up to his old full-time duty,
and ignoring his fellow tugs'
use of the moniker 'Toot,' he,
as "Captain N. Route,"  
ferries immigrants here to the States,
N. Route so-o-o-o-o Emma Lazarus loves.
(Stephen Miller he hates.) 

With Uncle Tom granted 
his freedom at last, and she grown,
Eva leaves the plantation 
to live in Atlanta, alone.
Selling paperback Bibles, 
she does fairly well on her own,
till last May when she dies,
having choked on a porbeagle bone. 

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

The 12 'Chair-'s; or, 'Sit' Happens

To chair is human; to forgive, divan. 
                                                    -- GFH 

   Chairless, three Chairokees 
charily squat on their mounds.
ev'ry Aniyunwyan breathes deep 
as the pipe makes its rounds.
   Chairs at Chairnobyl 
stay runaway radioactive;
thus taking one's seat there 
continues, at best, unattractive. 
   Morning-room chairs 
at chez Sonny & Chair are of wicker.
(Rattan, willow...reed...? Bamboo, raffia...? 
Ple-e-e-ease, must we bicker...?)
   "Chairberus...Sit! Sit, boy!" 
demi-god Heracles said.
Then the Greek hero, sniggering, 
smack'd that beast upside the head.
   The rock shoal Chairibdis 
sits churning the Strait of Messina  
while Scylla sits opposite, 
howling like Dante's hyena.
   The Chairiff of Nottingham 
sits in his queen chair, adoze,
as Robin sashays in behind him 
and strikes off his nose.
   A Davenport oozes chairisma. 
A Chesterfield, too.
A couch and the sofa, however, 
ooze none. (Sad but true.) 
   Tourists who sit in Chairassic Park 
risk being ate
by this megalosaurid Eustreptospondyle...
or its mate.

   Upon chairs in this chaircuterie 
sits the posh carriage trade
sampling buffalo jerky 
while watching how sausage is made.
   One Chairubim skips today's Nones
flits thru' heaven's three zones.
Like her fellows the Thrones, 
she, for Him, sports a sizeable jones.
   In upstate New Chairsey it sits -- 
Chairsey City by name.
Not as blatant as Hoboken, true; 
yet deserving of fame.
   Meet young Chaired Cushioner 
("Whoopee!" to both of his friends).
May he soon take his seat in Gehenna! 
(My curse my verse ends.) 

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

More "How Do You Who's Whos Hold Your Hooch...?"

     Much depends on the meaning of 'hold.' 


"Be your rotgut rums or Ripples,
how d'you pooh-bahs tote your tipples...?"
Here's a man in black. Let's ask 
the haut-hydrated Johnny Cask:
     "Be your sauce, John, Schlitz or 'Scootch,' 
how do you Who's Whos hold your hootch...?
And might you moonshine render sterile...?"
Answers John: "Quiz Yogi Barrel."


"However judgments you deduce, 
how do you jurists lug your juice...?"
"You, Sam...?" "A liter." "'lena...?" "Kegs." 
"You, Amy...?" "Ponies -- brims to dregs." 

     (More to come; work in progress) 

Sunday, September 8, 2024

An Optimistic Outlook


Saturday, September 7, 2024

De Diebus Natale

     Today is day one of his 83rd year.
They cry, "Happy Birthday," but Gramps doesn't hear.
     They hand him a card all his relatives sign'd.
Its greetings fall flat, though; he's legally blind.
     No birthday cake's offer'd; he's watching his weight.
Some candle-topp'd broccoli's serv'd on a plate.
     When ask'd for his key to life, what does he say...?
"I'll somehow contrive to survive through today."
     Tomorrow's day two of his 83rd year...
     (to be continued; a work in progress)

How Those Who's Whos Hold Their Hooch

The Pol Pot 
The Manute Bowl 
The Carafe Vaughn Williams
The Canteenflas 
The Ed Decanter

The Johnny Cask
The Yogi Barrel 
The Gertrude Stein
The Maurice Jar
The Kurt Vial

The Samuel Liter
The Elena Keg
The Flask Gordon
The J. Fred Muggs
The Sydney Carton

...and, with apologies,
The Gary Couper and 
The Georgie Vessel

     (More images to come: 
a work in progress)

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

A Prehistory Of Standup Shtick: The Founding Fathers

I. Button Gwinnett & "Button's Fly"

II. Caesar Rodney & "Caesar's Salad"

III. Thomas Jefferson & "Tommy's Tuppence"

IV. Carter Braxton & "Carter's Spills"

V. Philip Livingston & "Philip's Screwdriver"

VI. Oliver Wolcott & "Oliver's Twist"

A Prehistory Of Standup Shtick: The Founding Fathers & "Caesar's Salad"

Continental Congressman from Delaware Caesar Rodney was once described by his brother Thomas as possessing "...a great fund of wit and that his conversation was always bright and strong."
     No surprise, then, when the popular bachelor drew on this gift of gab to entertain fellow revolutionaries by mocking their hated monarch back  in England, George III. 
     The king, already considered by many subjects to be more than several strawberry leaves short of a coronet, was further mocked by Rodney in a brutal monologue parodying the king's speeches to Parliament and his royal communications to the colonies regarding their grievances. The inane ramblings of the regent were only rendered more grotesque by Rodney's delivery of a tsunami of non sequiturs and verbal scraps -- a medley of minced nouns, diced verbs, chopped adjectives and julienned prepositional phrases.    
     Rodney's mimicry of George's ravings soon became known as "Caesar's Salad," and his recitation of this comic routine was often requested during recesses from talks of treason during the hot summer of '76. 
     Rumors that, in fact, the term "Caesar's Salad" was actually a reference to Rodney's disfigured countenance and to the green scarf he habitually wore to disguise this embarrassing feature suffered as a result of a severe facial cancer remain unverified.  

Monday, September 2, 2024

The Managram In The Moon: Mini-Meter #15 Georges Remi


While Moonrise 
Tintin does explore,
Georges loves the lyric
'Eggrise' more.

"Destination Moon"

Georges Remi, cartooning 
as Herge, has alter "eggo" 
Tintin, in the comic strip 
"Destination Moon," visit 
earth's satellite via rocket 
ship in fiction years before 
folks did so in fact.

Rev'd Spooner Meets Rev'd Carroll

He sought to thaw  each thought he saw  flee, frozen, from his mind.  He peer'd again,  then gear'd his pen,  supposin' he'd...