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Saturday, November 30, 2024


MAGAmerica: A nation only recently cobbled together from several geographical areas formerly associated with the United States. This new socio-political entity consists of rural counties located mostly in southern and western portions of the US and dominated by followers of prophet / deity Orange Jesus (aka "MAGAbby Haze" and "Mister MAGoo") who pledge allegiance to that individual and his mendacious set of alternative facts.   

MAGAlomaniac: A designation characterizing MAGAmerica's prophet / deity and, by extension, any of O.J.'s red-hatted disciples. Other terms used to refer to MAGAlomaniacs include 'MAGAts' and 'basket(cases) of deplorables.' 

MAGAtar: A multi-string'd musical instrument modelled on the one played by Orange Jesus on several of his MAGArammy-winning performances. (O.J. insists that "people are saying" he knows more about music than...well, anyone. Sources for these rumors remain unverified.) 

37 MAGAnum: The firearm of choice for MAGAmericans who "pack heat." The weapon is used to intimidate former fellow countrymen who disagree with alternate facts adhered to by MAGAmericans -- and anyone else who isn't white, male and christian. 

MAGAshot: A now-famous portrait of Orange Jesus taken on the occasion of his being booked prior to one of his numerous criminal trials. The image is thought to possess healing properties analogous to those of other religious icons and is therefore held in awe by his followers. Miracles reported in conjunction with prayers accompanied by dollar donations made to the Orange-hued image have not yet been verified.  

MAGADonald's: A source of foodstuffs empty of nutritional value but preferred by MAGA prophet / deity Orange Jesus and followers. Referred to by them as "MAGA from Heaven," MAGA D's most popular product offering is known as "The Bigly MAG" and comes with an order of fried starchy root vegetables and a sugary beverage. Other favorite comfort foods consumed by MAGAts include a high-calorie pasta dish, the so-called "MAGAroni & Jesus."

MAGA-Lago: A sacred pilgrimage destination frequented by devotees eager to pledge unquestioning loyalty to the MAGA prophet / deity by kissing various relics on display there. 

MAGAdalene: Aka Lady MAGAGA, an avatar of the bride of the MAGAt prophet / deity. Proof of lore characterizing her as notorious prostitute has never been definitively offered. 

MAGApie: The Latin 'pica,' from which the magpie bird gets its name, refers to a disorder, sufferers of which are compelled to eat non-food items. In addition, the magpie's ability to chatter for hours in imitation of human speech, its proclivity to collect various shiny objects, its notorious neophobia and its wide reputation as a pest have prompted the often-blue-plumaged bird to be renamed 'MAGApie' and designated as the national bird of MAGAmerica.



MAGArie Taylor Greene: 

MAGA cum Loud:




"Holy MAGArel!": 




MAGAnot Line: 





The Three MAGAi: 

First Week Of Advent Musical Liturgy, Day 1, Sunday: The Lid'll...

'Tis a season for holiday chants, hymns and 
spiritual songs. All this week, Poe's disciples 
will be singing and meditating on one of the 
master's favorites: 
   "The Lid'll Draw Merboy" 


Monday, November 25, 2024

Portrait Of The Artist At Work: A Drawing By Jude (Date Unknown)


The Night Before Xmas, Drumpf's Mantle; Or, More Toys, Father; I Must Have More Toys.


Three Runcibl'd Spoonerisms: Dome, Suicide, Wandering

An Arabic shrine giving annual visitors shivvers / 
The Dome of the Rock // 
A list of the wayfaring treks of the NBA's Rivers /
The Roam of the Doc

Agreement twixt two when that pair of their lives has grown tired / 
Suicide Pact //
A Teddy Bear whispers stage left, "Our poor Eeyore's been fired." / 
Pooh (aside): "Sack'd!"

A mythical Hebrew afoot since Good Friday's "distraction" /
The Wandering Jew //
A prostitute's customer's state halfway through his transaction / 
The John, during woo

Saturday, November 23, 2024

Size Still Doesn't Matter

Abner's Li'l while Tim is Tiny. 
Willy Winkie...? Wee.
Lulu's Little. Martin's Short.
What's that to do with me...?
Bo Peep's Little. So's Miss Sunshine
Minnie Mouse...? You guess'd it. 
Large or small, 'twould seem it all 
depends how folks express'd it.

Friday, November 22, 2024

Size Doesn't Matter

The first, "Biggie" Smalls, to arrive on the scene...?
Just a character shown on a movie-house screen.
The next, Biggy Smallz, is a rapper, a teen
who is kill'd when a turf war he's trapp'd in between. 
The last, Biggie Smalls...? He's a rapper as well,
christen'd Christopher Wallace -- or so we hear tell.
Spelt with 'i-e's or 'y's, punctuated or not,
we've a triad of points orthographical got.

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

The Cabinet Of Dr. Calimari-Lago: AG (Almost) Matt Gaetz

With sundry twisted Epstein 
o'er ice-thin ethics rules Matt
Takes pre-pubescent girls on 
What's next upon Matt's sexist
Tweens...? Adolescents...? neo-
nates...? *
"The center cannot hold," holds 
which nearly proved our common
AG of these United 
No wa-a-ay "Things fall apart" Matt 
that wanker MAGA cele-
who hates the same stuff MAGA
   *No mention's made of 'mastur-

Apologia Pro Nuga Sua

I'm neither Shelley nor the Bard. 
Compare me not to Frost or Homer.  
Liken these* to Emily's...? 
Who claims so frames a gross misnomer.
   I'm not Blake or Plath or Sappho,
Emerson or Donne or Keats.
A neo-Blake...? Don't make me laugh! (Oh...
note: nor ape I Maya's feats.)
   My lingua...? Never elevated,
nor by critics highly rated.
Once it's all been said 'n' done,
these doggerels are just for fun.
   (Once it's all been done 'n' said,
they're funny heard, tho' better read.)

   *Fyi: this footnote will shortly list 
the titles of all eleven of Uly's books 
of nonsense verse.

Oh, Hell: I Must Be Going: An Alphabet Of Departure

       In light of recent political events, some Americans have been overheard discussing emigration -- their own -- several reaching decisions and moving those determinations to the top of their respective 'must do' lists. Uly Poe is among them.
                                    "For the snark IS a boojum you see."
                                                                 -- after Lewis Carroll

Anticipate the starting gun...? 
As B*****'s back, it must be done.
I'll Break (or tie) the record for 
the fastest mile (3:44*).
I'll Cut 'n' run. (Please don't give Chase; 
just trust: I must depart this place.) 
I'll Dash a hundred yards -- nay: more. 
Don't track me Down: I'm out the Door.
I'll Exit East (northeast, at least). 
I'll deadhead -- tho' not (yet) deceased. 
You'll Eat my dust. (Apologies: 
here's hoping you'll avoid a sneeze.)
I'll Fly the coop. I'll Flee the scene. 
Nor will I tell Folk where I've been. 
I'll Get me Gone. I'll Go alone. 
I'll disengage from web 'n' phone.
(And, passing 'Go,' I'll Grab that dough:
two hundred smackeroos -- Hi, Ho!) 
I'll Hit the bricks. I'll Hie me Hence. 
(None's done the like -- before or since.)
I'll Imitate ol' Aesop's hare
and Jog (tho' slow) aboard shank's mare.
I'll Kiss all Kith 'n' Kin "So Long!
I'm Leaving." (Please don't get me wrong:
I'll Light out for the territories,
nor never Lag. I'll Leg it... 
...that or Learn to ride a bike.
I'm Making haste while shines the sun.
Arrives the rain...? Too late to run.)
I'm Making tracks. I'm Moving on.
Mayhap you'll Miss Me when I'm gone.
I'll Not delay; I'll Navigate
each Ocean, creek 'n' crooked strait.
"I'm Outta here!" you'll hear me shout.
I'm Off 'n' running, have no doubt.
(To put no finer point: I'm Out.)
I'll beat a Path, a Powder take.
I'm Put to flight, for heaven's sake.
I'll Quit, so Quick, these premises.
I'll Run away; the day I'll Seize.
I'll Trek where no one's Trek'd before.
I'll Tread upon a loaf.** What's more,
I'll Up 'n' leave like Barbra S,*
Unable to abide such mess.
Nor shall I Vamp 'til ready. No,
I'm ready now; I'm set to go.
I'll Wend my Way, perhaps head West.
Some spot mark'd X may prove the best.
I'll hug You; then my cap I'll doff: Blasting off!

     *The record for the fastest mile is precisely 3:43.13, set on July 7, 1999 by Hicham El Guarrouj from Morocco.
     **Han Andersen's Inge appears in one of his more bizarre tales.
     ***One of many celebrities pledging to move abroad if Drumpf regains power. Other mss show "E. deG, Unable to remain, you see" here. Future recitations doubtless will insert other names as the list of emigrees continues to swell.

Monday, November 18, 2024

The Cabinet Of Dr. Calimari-Lago: Chief Of Staff Susie Wiles

Her coif -- cinereal -- she 
in pearly pompadours 'n' 
Behind smug condescending 
she camouflages fascist 
Assuming grins of croco-
while highing five to POTUS 
she foments Orange Jesus'
Where are those Oval Office  
Ask Chief of Staff Ms. Susie
Wiles -- 
tho' prep for absolute de-
(With staffers signing names like
we fast approach the Silly 

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

The Cabinet Of Dr. Calimari-Lago: Stephen Miller

racially-mixed communities no 
migrant toddler's holding pens...? Ful- 
Latin blood 'n' treasure...? Super- 
not the "An die Freude" ode by 
   Of the 
soil of racial hatred Miller's 
   Of the 
Constitution he's a hired 
nasty white supremacy dis-
Chief of Staff for Policy) Herr 
give me if my diatribe grow
Drumpf corrupt appointment makes me

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Be We That We...?

Be we that we of whom it's said, 
"This isn't who we are"...?
Be we that we enraged 
that women's rights have gone too far...?
Be we that we who neighbors hear 
call climate change a hoax...?
Be we that we who're silent re: 
their neighbors' racist jokes...?
Be we that we who turn away
the planet's tired 'n' poor...?
Be we that we who spoke the truth
but don't do any more...?
Be we that we of whom "This isn't 
who we are" be said...?
We be that we. (Brief colloquy:
we'd all be better dead.)

Sunday, November 10, 2024


Here's another fine mess 
you've gotten me into.

A Visit From Saint Nick Revisited, Stanzas I and II: "The Eve" and "The Stockings"


  'Twas the 
eve before 
Xmas Eve.
'Round my a-
bode, feelings --
spite, greed, im-
patience -- ran
high...and it

   Stockings -- 
dozens -- were 
flung 'round the 
hearth without 
care. (I'd hoped  
Santa would 
leave me wa-a-ay 
more than my 

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Grilled "Che"s: Another Twelve Iconic Cuban Revolutionaries


     Iconic Cuban Revolutionary 
Ernesto "Che" Guevara 

     Twelve "Che"quivalents 

    Iconic Cuban Revolutionary Hank Williams Tearjerker 
Your "Che"tin' Heart

    Iconic Cuban Revolutionary Way West
The"Che"solm Trail 

    Iconic Cuban Revolutionary Toddlin' Town 
    Iconic Cuban Revolutionary Chewing Gum
   Iconic Cuban Revolutionary Non-Renewable Energy Sources 
Shell Oil, Shale Oil and "Che"le Oil (All "Che"vron Products)

   Iconic Cuban Revolutionary Opening Third Of Railroad Line
The At"Che"son, Topeka and the Santa Fe
   Iconic Cuban Revolutionary Velvet Fog Holiday Song Opening Lyric 
"Che"stnuts Roasting On An Open Fire... 
   Iconic Cuban Revolutionary Foil-Wrapped Chocolates 
Hers"Che"s Kisses 

   Iconic Vuban Revolutionary Beethoven Buddy 
Carl "C(z)he"rny 

   Iconic Cuban Revolutionary Zola Denunciation 

   Iconic Cuban Revolutionary Monopoly Game Cards To Acquire
"Che"nce and Community "Che"st

   Iconic Cuban Revolutionary Monopoly Game Card To Avoid
Go To "Che'ail; Go Directly To "Che"ail (Do Not Pass Go, 
Do Not Collect 200 Pesos)


(Verses and images to come:  a work in progress.) HAMPDEN  DAMP HEN DAPHNE M.  MEAN PHD DAPH 'N’ ME  H, P, M AND E    …AND HEMP  Bandid...