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Friday, December 14, 2018

A Decade of -Insanities

(1: ABC)   

There's Anaïs Ninsanity, Black and Tansanity,
Anne Boleynsanity, East Berlinsanity,*
Blue Vein Blintzanity, Louvain Blitzanity…
and ('xcuse my "French") cuisine's Coq au Vinsanity.** 

* Some mss show 'Bowlin' Grinsanity' here. 
** Not to be confused with the NBA's Vince Carter's 
signature "Vinsanity."

(2: DEF)    

There's Dark wood tintsanity, Eastwood, Clintsanity,
Errol's (and kid sister* Beryl's) Flynnsanity --
who, it turns out, proves Flynn's evil twinsanity.
Freddie Prinzanity's Flower'd Chintzanity.

* Some mss show 'hid sister' here, a reference 
to the fact that no record of Flynn's having a sister, 
kid or otherwise, seems extant.

(3: GH)    

There's Gunga Dinsanity, Gilbey's Ginsanity, 
household Hintsanity, Harlequinsanity,
Ho Chi Minhsanity, Hester Prynnesanity.
(Question: who's not question'd Hannity's sanity?)

(4: HI)    

There's Hail to the (Washington, D.C.) 'Skinsanity,
Watson's Jim, Papp and Huck'berry Finnsanity,
Rumi the dervish's In-a-spinsanity…
and -- all too often -- Idi Aminsanity.

(5: IJ)    

There's Ivan Pninsanity, Junior Mintsanity, 
Jim DeMintsanity. (His? Mint insanity!)  
Basil and Sib's Fawlty Towers, the Bates Motel, 
Saracen's Head and Jamaica Innsanity.

(6: KL)    

There's Ed "Have you met my son Keenan?" Wynnsanity,
too little Lena or Ken Olinsanity;
Senator Levin notes no Levinsanity, 
still...there's Loretta (and Mooney!) Lynnsanity.

(7: MN)   

There's Merrill Lynchanity. (No Nell Gwynnesanity?)* 
"Not by the hair of my chinny-chin"-sanity. 
(Here, out of order, is Prince Repninsanity,
father to Ivan.** (It’s next-of-kinsanity.) 

* Nor much Geisel's Grinchanity, except seasonally. 
** Ivan Pnin -- cf verse five above.

(8: OPQR)   

There's Osamma binsaahneti, Qui-Gon Jinnsanity,
Tony Quinnsanity, Pisner Quintsanity,
Rollingpinsanity, Rin-tin-tinsanity,
Rembrandt van Rijn- (mispronounc'd as "Rin") -sanity.

(9: STU)   

There's Surat-al-Jinnsanity, Lau's Shaolinsanity,
seven-fold (more, surely!) deadly Sinsanity,
Belgian cartoonist Hergé's Tintinsanity
And (with a stretch) there is Ulstermansanity. 

(10: VWXYZ)   

There’s Vitaminsanity, Violinsanity,
triple Winsanity, Xanthosinesanity, 
Yang and Yinsanity, Howard Zinn sanity.*
Hey...let's head home: take my Zeppelinsanity 

* Historian Zinn authored an essential text, 
"The People's History of the United States," 
a must-read.

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