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Friday, September 6, 2019

All the Men Kings: Another King Song

Arthur's thing...? Art's the king 
who Excaliber can spring.

(Kings, these are, from afar:
Caspar, Melch’or, Balthazar.)

Burger King lacks the zing
Ronald’s Special Sauces bring.

Charlemagne…? You da magne!
If you cagn’t, which Charlie cagne?

Cymbeline. Fuehrer Mein.
(Down my Thames and up your Rhine.)

Don King an’...Donovan.
(Neither kook cooks coq au vin.)

Deng Ziaoping. Little King.
Josip Suk…? He’s Fiddle King.

Emp’ror Ming. Rodney King.
(That Morgana sure can sing!)

Falstaff’s pal…? Shakespeare’s Hal.
(Pace, Ashurbanipal!)

Good King Zog. (Boo’d…? King Frog:
him the Grimms limn in their blog.)

Henry Eight. Alfred. (Great!
Which rex lick'd the fashion plate…?

If it’s Lear’s lot one fears,
it’s of Edmund clear one steers.

Jesus, who’s King of Jews,
trues ‘em. Glues ‘em to the pews.

King Aroo. Vishnu, too.
Ousted: Charles, in Cromwell’s coup.

Lion Kings. Mayan Kings.
(Lear leads lists of dyin’ kings.)

Martin King. Thee we sing.
Forgot we’ve not “Let freedom ring.”

Ngo Quyen ruled back when
Nam maim’d fewer U.N. men.

Ottokar / Ivan (Tsar) //
Herge / Serge. (Too bizarre…?)

Papa Doc. Kings of Rock.
Who “in signo vincit hoc”...? 

Quick, Bert: sing “’fI were king…”
(Outrageous – though contagious -- thing.)

Richard Third. ‘Bella’s Ferd.' 
Edward Eight. (His date’s a turd.)

Saul and Saud…? Both kings proud.
(Solomon was well-endow’d.)

Tamerlane. King Hussein.
March King…? Long may “suzerain”!

Ubu Roi. Add the Shah.
For the hat trick…? Offa. (Hah!)

Vlad the Rus. (Oedipus...? 
Patricides I shan’t discuss.)

Wenceslaus. Kings in Laos.
Ptolemy was Cleo’s spouse.

Xerxes ruled: Greeks got school’d.
Since then, craze for Persia’s cool’d.

Young King Cole. King Creole.
(Nat and Elvis...? Very droll.)

Zedong, Mao: sacred cow.
Tut and Kong and Vidor. Ciao!

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