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Friday, September 6, 2019

Kukla's Clan v the Ku Klux Klan

'Allo, Ollie Dragon! 
Buongiorno, Madame O! 
What's cookin,' Pookenschlagel…? 
(The Colonel you all know.)  

Hello dere, Fletcher Rabbit!
Wassup wid’ Cecil Bill…?  
How are you, Fran…? ('Tis she to Tillstrom's 
Jack supplies good Jill.)  

So: how're they hangin', Beulah…? 
Whaz 'app'nin,' Herbert Hare…?
(Good golly! Kuklapolitans be

They're puppets ante Muppets. 
Can they can-can…? Kukla'ns can! 
They're not, though small, in thrall at all
to spook Dave Duke and Klan.) 

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