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Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Repost: A Poet & His Impersonators

Frost writes of a snowy stand of trees in New Hampshire: 
"Whose woods these are I think I know..."

Fauxrost writes of a brewpub in Belgium:

"Whose worts...? These are, I think, Hainault's."

Fauxrost writes of Jello Corporation's test kitchens:
"Whose pudds, these...? Dare I lick the bowl...?"

Fauxrost writes of a slave market near the Roman Forum:
"Who would Caesar eye...? D'ya think I know...?"

Fauxrost writes of Pulaski, Tennessee (home of the early KKK):
''Whose hoods these are their pink eyes show."

Fauxrost writes of Pooh Corner at the Disney Store:
"Roo's moods bizarre my shrink I'd show."

Fauxrost writes of Dunsinane near the Great Birnam Wood:
"Whose 'woodsies' are a-writhing now...?"

Fauxrost writes of St. Elizabeth's Psychiatric Hospital, Washington, DC:
"This warden! He's let Hinkley go."

Fauxrost writes of a flooded Hefner Center of Wooden Art in Philadelphia:
"Hugh's wood thesauri...? Sinking now..."

Fauxrost writes of a music store in Aleppo, Syria:
"Whose ouds are these...? I'd plink. (You'd blow...?)"

Fauxrost writes of the Freud Clinic in Vienna, Austria:
"Whose moods, these...? Arch und kinky, no...?" 

Fauxrost writes of the Benning Terrace public housing project:
"Whose 'hoods be dese...? Dey stink, mah bro..." 
Fauxrost writes from the Winter Palace, comrade Andreiovitch standing guard:
"Who wounds de Tsar...? 'Drei'd blink befo'..."

Fauxrost writes of Golgotha outside Jerusalem:
"Whose roods are these...? They're zinc, yet glow..."

Fauxrost writes of Bergdorf-Goodman's fur locker in New York:
"Whose snoods are these, like mink (but faux)...?"

Fauxrost writes of Wakatipu Apicology Station in New Zealand:
"Who woos our bees...? I'd sink that low."

Fauxrost writes of Longwood Gardens, Pennsylvania:
"Who weeds these. All need drinks of eau."

Fauxrost writes of Filene's Basement:
"Whose goods are these...? The pink must go!"

Fauxrost writes of Mount Vernon, Virginia:
"Whose wooden teeth...? A. Lincoln's...? No!"

Fauxrost writes of the Caucasus in Central Asia:
"Whose woads are these...? Like: (wink) nice glow...!"

Fauxrost writes of Poe's basement studio in Silver Spring, MD:
"Whose words are these...? They stink, ya know!

Fauxrost writes of the corporate headquarters of Hyram's Zamboni Service:
"Who would refreeze our ice rink...? Yo!"

Fauxrost (arriving full circle) writes of the pro shop at Augusta National Golf Club:
"Whose woods these are I think I know..."

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