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Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Repost: Ade's Ken

Ade's ken of economy...? Groundless! Astounding!
Ade sins for a penny. (Ade’s in for a pounding.)

How ever shall "done deals" or faits accomplis grow
if Congress be led by the Knights Who Say "Negro!"...?

Islamicist cinemen, Shi'ite or Sunni,
shall garner no Oscars: they haven't a Clooney.

John's* Trask family dwelt on the outskirts of Eden:
both Trask twins were "-ists": Aron, "pur-"; Caleb, "hedon-"
     * Author Steinbeck 

Ms. Sawyer's* brew notes grew: she waxed iambic
once arid Mary'd had a little lambic.
      * Mary Sawyer, later Mrs. Mary Tyler of "Mary's Lamb" fame.

Romney's Humvee's chauffeur'd by a dormant Sir Dwight Streeme...?
Inquire, when Ike wakes, "What was Mitt's Hummer's Knight's dream...?"

I'd aid your recall of the Legion of Decency
calling "Nude Pledge of Allegiance" indecent. See...!?!

You're unable to pen a penultimate line post
fail'd Alzheimer's tests...? That's one sure Auld Lang Signpost!  

Visit Xiu -- chef at Panda Baroque on Quemoy.
Try his sig dish (yu-u-ummm!): Johann Sebastian Bach Choy.

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...And Another Thing...: Seven Miniature Four-Panel (3 3/8" By 8" Reducing In Three Folds To 3 3/8" By 2") Faux Exquisite Corpses And Their Respective Sets Of Rhyming Lines With Texts Derived From Puns Based On Homonyms To The Vocable 'Ex/Quis/It(e)/Corpse'

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