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Monday, November 16, 2020

Repost: The Saddest Words

Of tongue or pen the saddest word:
"It might have been"...? Don't be absurd.
Some say the saddest, without doubt,
are, "Sorry, son; thy time's run out."
     Still sadder some see, writ or spoke:
"Hey! Whassa matta...? Jus' a joke."
Who hears these phrases owns he's fail'd:
"She's split, yer bird. Yer ship...? She's sail'd."
     "Abandons hope, who enters here!" 
The saddest...? Nope! (Though mighty near.)
More sad by far these triste terms be:
"As thou art now, so once were we."
     The Virgin to God's Son doth whine
in John, chap. II: "They have no wine."
Still, THE most sad of all, I fear...?
The barkeep's call: "We're outta beer."

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