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Monday, July 12, 2021

AFI's Spooner'd Sequels (Unpub)

In this sequel to Citizen Kane, Charles Foster's bastard son, Christopher, continues to search for the meaning behind his father's famous final word but fails to discover it and in the end is institutionalized. 
     The film is called Kit Is Insane.
As a variant to his groundbreaking On the Waterfront, Elia Kazan's newest production portrays life in and around the world of horse racing experienced by Edie Doyle's younger sister, a dwarfling. 
     Elia calls his new movie Wanda, Odd Turf Runt.
With production of Wanda well under way, cinebuffs learned that a Mexican film company is developing an animated sequel to Kazan's original classic which will relate the adventures of a young Chicano who escapes LA gang life to become A&R man for a group of performing sea mammals living and working in the waters off the Baja Peninsula. 
     Planned for a Christmas holiday release, the film is called Juan the Otter Front.
In what the press is calling Wuthering Heights II, Heathcliff and Cathy depart the Yorkshire moors for a West Indies sugar plantation where they spend their lives harassing a native population in bondage. 
     The working title of this sequel is Hovering Whites.
In re-envisioning The Maltese Falcon as biopic, documentary film makers feature journalist Muggeridge playing himself and claiming full responsibility for Original Sin. 
     The film is called The Fault? 'Tis Malcolm's.
This made-for-TV feature takes a U-turn from its model, The Grapes of Wrath. In the revision, Grampa Joad, after dying of the drug overdose administered by his family, returns to confront Tom, Rose of Sharon and the others, ultimately convincing the lot to eighty-six their trip to California and to emigrate instead to Bar Harbor, Maine. 
     Rated R for language, the picture is called The Wraith of Gramps.

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(Verses and images to come:  a work in progress.) HAMPDEN  DAMP HEN DAPHNE M.  MEAN PHD DAPH 'N’ ME  H, P, M AND E    …AND HEMP  Bandid...