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Monday, July 12, 2021

An OK Chorale (Unpub)

Three Earps, one Holliday (dubb’d Doc) in tow
to bolster their inadequate morale,
oppose a trapezoidal UFO:
The Tonne Kite at the OK Corral.
Doc Holliday is nuts for funny papers.
He follows Blondie, Skeezix and Prince Val.
The latter cuts, in armor bronze, wild capers:
The Dun Knight at the OK Corral.
The Earps had Sister Steele in second grade.
She smack'd ‘em good: she’s one unyielding gal.
She black'd one’s eye; she crack'd one’s shoulder blade:
The Nun Smite at the OK Corral.
Doc Holliday with Virgil, Morgan, Wyatt:
all four endure the consummate grand mal
as running sores of Attila run riot:
The Hun Blight at the OK Corral.
“Sure, ‘no man is an island,’” Wyatt notes,
“and ‘Death shalt die’ and ‘bells shall toll’ et al.
I’m up to here with metaphysics quotes…”:
The Donne Cite at the OK Corral.
The Earps ask ev'ry señor and señora.
They forage but can form no rationale
for walls dividing Tombstone from Sonora:
The Unbright at the OK Corral.
The Earps appoint a posse mann'd by cowboys.
The cow pies they amass resemble dal.
What species of embroilment have we now, boys…?
The Flung Shite* at the OK Corral…?
     * Possibly The Dung Flight at the OK Corral...?
The Earps -- that's Virgil, Morgan (Wyatt, too) --
along with MD Holliday, their pal,
face Dominick the Vampire. None pull through:
The Dunne Bite at the OK Corral.
The Earps have gone their way, replaced by Ike,
whom locals task with lifting their morale.
But Ike is dropp’d by Tyson -- Iron Mike:
The Stunn’d Dwight at the OK Corral.
My carol's through. I bid “adieu” to Wyatt,
now teaching Western Lit at Southern Cal.
(Remarks re cals reminds me of my diet:
The Pun Trite at the OK Corral.)

1 comment:

  1. Would like to hear this one scored in "E" with Virgil singing the soprano part. What a productive Monday you've had! Though I seem to recall the movie sequel nonsense from a previous blog.



(Verses and images to come:  a work in progress.) HAMPDEN  DAMP HEN DAPHNE M.  MEAN PHD DAPH 'N’ ME  H, P, M AND E    …AND HEMP  Bandid...