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Saturday, July 24, 2021

The Audacity of 'Ope-n' (Unpub)

Prologue (‘open a’ through ‘open c’)
(Andre's autobio) open’d –
in the open air’ll
     strike, oh, so
close to home, 'twill prove a tome
you'll open at your per’l.
open bars, this open book
reechoes drink reorders.
cocktail dresses, open back’d,
it breaches open borders.
open cities, texts like these
flaunt open-carry laws,
     as shut and
open cases lead to loads
of open-court guffaws.
End of Prologue
Part the First ('open d' through 'open j')
port-a-janes urge open drains," eggs 
Ag. "Ya see…? Flow's fine-ish. 
doors -- set policy! -- stay open 
every night 'til nineish."
fire!" bays Andre, running open 
field. "Give chase...apace! 
     Let's hope no
single sandwich leaves this court -- 
unless it's open-face."
plucking on his open grill in 
open G-string tuning,
     Ag be-
rates the open grates which open 
government is ru'ning.
Steffi, spouse, holds open house, her 
manner's open handed:
open heart -- mit surgery…? Nein, 
nein: not 'rekommanded.'"
op'ning day: To open JAR files 
be a jarring need.
     Let's hope nine
"jars" are open in a jiff. (Adds 
Steffi: "Yeff, indeed!")
End of Part the First
Entr'acte ('open k' through 'open m')
open kimono breeds
open-lip kisses (the
start of a smart open 
     while Ag's open
mouth, unrehears’d, hollers,
"Open me first!" – though they'd
best choose siesta at 
their age.
End of Entr'acte
Part the Second ('open n' through 'open y') 
"Open nose; then insert ring!" sings
one. "We're open Sunday!" 
     ''Try the
barbecue," insists the second.
"Best comestible, 'tis reckon’d.
Open pit has never beckon’d
You…? You'll try day!" 
Open quickly; open road and
Open Sesame!”
     Open season; open to (the 
public…and it’s free).
     Open up (your heart and let the
sun come shining in).
     Open vowels; open windows;
Open West (Berlin).
     Open Xmas (Eve, ‘til midnight). 
Open your valise!
     “Open… Open…” (Andre’s hopin’
we’ll desist and cease.)  
End Part the Second
Epilogue ('open z')
Open ze pie hole und 
button ze ey'z,
Steff eez to geev you your 
zuper zuprize."

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