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Monday, September 20, 2021

Abecedarial Lapsidarium (Unpub)

Abysmuth and AWOLium

Abscondium and Apocrophyte

Bolonium and Bogusoid

Barrenium and Bubkacite

Cheapicite and Counterfeist

Decepton and Diddlysquatenic

Dubium and Diminisheist

Emptinium and Erraticite

Fakenese and Fibium

Futilite and Fuckalloid

Goneryl and Goosegganese

Hiddenine and Hollowgen

Ifanese and the Ignoble Gases

Jacksheist and Junkilium

Kitschenzinc and Krappocite

Lackine and Lostogen

Mediocricite and Mockury

Missingenese and Mythomuth

Nihilium and Nadanese

Nugatoid and Nothinc

Outtacite and Overdetope

Pseudotope and Paltrinese

Quittsilver and Quovadium

Rienicon and Rottenese

Spurium and Shamony

Trashotope and Tapptoutium

Ungenuite and Unfoundide

Voidoloid and Vacuumium

Walkabite and Where?mium

Xtinctium and Xhausthracite

Yonderide and Yaddayaddium

Zipotope and Zilcholoid

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