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Monday, September 20, 2021

Jeu De Neu Klue (Unpub)

Is it Abbess Aabaster
with the andiron in the atelier…?
Nope, it's Archbishop Amaranth
with the arbalest in the attic!
Is it Bailiff Burgundy
with the boomerang in the buttery…?
Nope, it's Beadle Bleu de France
with the bazooka in the bar-parlour!
Is it Caliph Chartreuse
with the cattle prod in the clocktower…?
Nope, it's Constable Cobalt
with the crossbow in the cloakroom!
Is it Dean Denim
with the dildo in the drawing room…?
Nope, it's Doctor Drab
with the didgeridoo in the dovecote!
Is it Ensign Emerald
with the egg timer in the east wing ..?
Nope, it’s Entrepreneur Ecru
with the enema hose in the entryway!
Is it Friar Fustic
with the fingerbowl in the foyer…?
Nope, it's Father Fuchsia
with the flamethrower in the folly!
Is it General Geranium
with the Gatling gun in the gazebo…?
Nope, it's Governor Greengage
with the gobstopper in the garderobe!
Is it Houndskeeper Heliotrope
with the harquebus in the half bath…?
Nope, it's Handyman Hooker’s Green
with the hacksaw in the holorgium!
Is it Iceman Ivory
with the ironing board in the ice house…?
Nope, it's Imam Ibn Indigo
with the inkhorn in the IT center!
Is it Judge Jacaranda
with the javelin in the jaccuzi…?
Nope, it's Jesuit Jasmine
with the joystick in the junkroom! 
Is it Kitchen maid Khaki
with the knitting needle in the kitchen garden…?
Nope, it's Khedive Karla
with the Kalashnikov in the keeping room!
Is it Lieutenant Lilac
with the lawn mower in the loo…?
Nope it's Lady Lemon
with the lorgnette In the lazarette!
Is it Monsignor Magenta
with the marlinspike in the mud room...?
Nope, it's Monsieur Magnolia
with the mortar in the morning room.
Is it Nanny Navy
with the nose scissors in the natatorium...?
Nope, it's Nabob Neon
with the noose in the nursery!
Is it Ombudsman Olive
with the oyster plate in the orangerie...?
Nope, it's Oligarch Ochre
with the opera glasses in the oratory!  
Is it Professor Primrose
with the pinking shears in the priest hole...?
Nope, it's Pastor Purple
with the plumb bob in the pissoir!
Is it Quaestor Quinoline
with the quoits in the quadrangle...?
Nope, it's QCMP Quinacridone
with the qanon in the quiet room!
Is it Rabbi Rubylith
with the ramrod in the root cellar...?
Nope, it's Rector Raspberry
with the rasp in the rumpus room!
Is it Sergeant Shamrock
with the scrimshaw in the scullery...?
Nope, it's Senor Salmon
with the saucepan in the solar!
Is it Tetrarch Turquoise
with the tuning fork in the toilet...?
Nope, it’s Taoiseach Taupe
with the tambourine in the treehouse!
Is it Undersecretary Ultramarine
with the Uzzi in the undercroft...?
Nope, it's Upstairs Maid Umber
with the umbrella in the upper deck!
Is it Verger Vermilion
with the valve trombone in the vat room...?
Nope, it's Viceroy Vanilla
with the vacuum cleaner in the vestibule!
Is it Warden Wisteria
with the weed-whacker in the water closet…?
Nope, it’s Weatherman Wisteria
with the whiffle ball in the walk-in shower!
Is it Xebeceer Xanthene
with the xenagogy in the xylorium...?
Nope, it's X____ Xanadu
with the x______ in the x_______!
Is it Yang di-Pertuan Agong Yoke
with the yillcaup in the yurtyard...?
Nope, it's Yeoman Yale
with the yarmulka in the yoga guesthouse!
Is it Zaddik Zabaglione
with the zarf in the ziggurat...?
Nope, it's Zoave Zaffre
with the zither in the zoologium.
                                                      I win!

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