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Thursday, September 2, 2021

Is This Juice Newton’s…? (Past)

Veronica queries:
“Which rivers are Lake’s…?”
Coleman Hawkins (he’s hungry)
asks: “Which rice is Bean’s…?”
Marxist Minh holds a Q&A:
“Which pimps are Ho’s…?”
Cowboy Autry wants answers:
“Which T-shirts are Gene’s…?”
Rex and Rhodes, brothers, ask  
“Which rhymes are Reasons’…?”
McDaniel seems curious:
“Which fins are Hattie’s…?”
Who sculps using Cheese Whiz asks:
“Which art is Kraft’s…?”
Kay the hound (lover/news-), asks:
“Which doggies are Katti’s…?”
Who’ll field Lucy’s questioning:
“Which bats are Ball’s…?”…?
Or Ms. Arthur’s exam query:
“Which birds are Bea’s…?”…?
Is that Axl who’s “axing” us:
“Which guns are Rose’s…?”…?
Does Diddy demand to know:
“Which beans are P’s…?”…?
Is that Wendy’s pal Pete prying:
“Which pots are Pan’s…?”…?
Asks Talese the topologist:
“Which straits are Gay’s…?”…?
Does Latifa interrogate:
“Which kinks are Queen’s…?”…?
And do Leno’s lips challenge:
“Which PBs are Jay’s…?”…?
Asks Ms. Bono, as waitress:
“Which tables are Cher’s…?”
Alexander asks everyone:
“Which hams are Haig’s…?”
Mother Wood lets her caddy ask:
“Which lie-in’s Tiger’s…?”
And footballer Andy bawls:
“Which arms are Legg’s…?”
Preacher Billy enjoins us:
“Which sodas are Sunday’s…?”
Kung Fu staple Luke’s asking:
“Which lox are Keye’s…?”
Golf pro Remington’s questioning:
“Which iron is Steele’s…?”
Hoopster Rollins’s query:
“Which flowers are Tree’s…?”
Does Sean of the films ask:
“Which pencils are Penn’s…?”…?
Actor Stephen the Brit, asks:
“Which burgers are Fry’s…?”
Jazzman Adams, on bari, probes:
“Which salt is Pepper’s…?”
Why’s Madison wondering:
“Which gals are Guy’s…?”…?
Does Harvey’s sweet tooth ask:
“Which cookies are Milk’s…?”…?
Does distress’d maiden Doris ask:
“Which knights are Day’s…?”
Could Cornell from the kitchen ask:
“Which yeast is West’s…?”…?
And would Joel lob this follow up:
“Which blues are Grey’s…?”…?
Mr. Ziegfeld asks fishermen:
“Which ebbs are Flo’s…?”
Does O’Neill ask his waitress:
“Which wages are Tip’s…?”…?
Asks that Greek sage turned cobbler:
“Which dress shoes are Soc’s…?”
Henry Gates picks our brains with his:
“Which fish are Chip’s…?”
Actor Charles wants to ask about:
“Which songs are Dance’s…?”
Ms. Derek still puzzles:
“Which arrows are Bo’s…?”
The Captain, Pan’s foe, asks:
“Which ladders are Hook’s…?”
Horseman C.P. is wondering:
“Which reins are Snow’s…?”
Poet Robert’s petition is:
“Which goods are Service’s…?”
Alan of Shane’s suit…?
“Which lasses are Ladd’s…?”
Judy Garland’s two sisters seek:
“Which teeth are Gumm’s…?”
Mr. Pitt (not Elaine’s) pleads:
“Which staples are Brad’s…?”

And is this stuff Smith's...?

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