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Thursday, September 2, 2021

The Ballade of Annoyster Stu (Past)

"This world, me lad...? Egad! 'Tis sad. 
‘Tis rad; 'tis mad -- and but a fad.
‘Tis just too bad: we've all been had
(more than a tad). And yet I'm glad...
      ‘Cuz this world’s my annoyster:
I enjoy annoyster stewin'!"
So sprachs Stuart, quite the ployster.
Still, most choir monks in Stu's cloister
each a more-than-boisterous boyster
giving voice (see...? they grow moister)
to his own "I'm here, Kilroyster!"
harbor choice annoysters, too
diverse annoysters...same as Stu.
Arthritic critic "Chip" Ahoy!ster,
sobbing, "Stomp on that Savoyster!"
vexes Victor, strict Bok choyster
as a rule, a "poi 'n' soyster."
Lloyd, a wide-wale’d Corduroy'dster,
proves annoying to "The Floydster,"
long-time W. E. B. Du Boister.
All these boys hold choice annoy-...
and voice those 'nnoys...-sters, same as Stu:
Lance, one nasty Equipoisester,
loathes Fat Vance, avoirdupoister.
Freddie, long-time Eddie Foyster
(and a former Jimmy Joycester,
F. Dost'yevsk' and L. Tolstoyster),
rues the Jews (Fred's so-o-o-o the Goyster!)
(FAQ: Exists there kosher
'nnoysters...? Kosher 'nnoyster stew...?)
Annoyster Stooges Sig & Royster...?
Twin (fraternal) Hoi-polloisters! (Like all
Hatfield & McCoysters,
they hate southern Illinoisters
though both part-time Iroquoisters
while remaining Jump For Joysters.)
Both hold choice annoysters. True:
This twosome holds annoysters, too...
two gruesome 'nnoysters...same as Stu.
Eschewing sushi in Hanoi, sir,
Troy's becoming quite the Koister.
But...can true-blue Myrna Loysters
disavow all Merv Le Roysters…?
Such unfaithfuls play it coy, sir,
though each whets his pet annoyster...
green, some blue, and one turquoise, sir
choice annoysters...same as Stu.
But Stu's annoying "Noisesters" retch.
They're such "Oy! Oy"sters! (Hear 'em kvetch...?)
Most are pro-life; few, Pro-choicesters.
Some from Matsu; some, Quemoysters. 
Five are Silver Cloud Rolls Roycesters.
Four, Khoikhoisters; three St. Croixsters.
(Two destroyed their Tinkertoysters.)
All have personal annoysters
sev’ral quite a few annoysters
(none have only two annoysters).
All devour their Stu.
All remaining monks ("decoysters")
play the girl 'n' boysters...
in our Abbot Keemo's choice for
this year's play, "Ralph Roister Doister."
     While the title role is Stu's
(the West End's Undeclared Viceroyster!),
Stu's half brother, Frater Lou,
blows oboe: What a hot hautboyster!
     Stuart's lines bring down the house; 
'tis why folks call him "Stu, Annoyster."
(Well, perhaps not every line:
"...Rin...lishi ri rin shara Xoister..."(!))
But "Hang Mac! And Sara Palin…?
You can hoist her, too!"...? Oh, boyster!
That's Annoyster Stu! Oh, joyster!
That's pure, true Annoyster Stu!
And in December (note: R's in it!),
Keemo's Abbey's staging Albee
all the monks be big "Zoo Stor-'"sters.
And, as always, they've annoysters,
choice annoysters...same as Stu.
So: shame on Stu and all his crew...? 
Nipe: shame on me! (And shame on you!)

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