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Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Still More Brewers: two more of an eventual twenty three portraits...


with wine
in krater

Lew Bryson
with whiskey
in shot glass

Papal Pap; or. Apocryphal Papas

     Here are several pretend clerihews identifying 
     a selection of antipopes, conclavists, sedevacantists, 
     sedeprivationists, mysticalists, episcopi vagantes, 
     quasi-cardinal-nephews, traditionalist Catholics, 
     independent Catholics, Catholic charismatics and 
     other RC pretenders.

David Allen Bawden
plodded paths less-trodden.
Calling himself Pope Michael the 
this real estate agent, e-
lected the pope on Ju-
ly the 16th, 19-
90, by laymen as-
sembl'd in David's folks' 
fam'ly's small thrift store in 
Belvue, a small burg in 
Kansas, post which he con-
tinued to live with his 
parents until, in the
year '22, David's  
conclavist bubble got

Clemente Dominguez y Gomez,
whose perception was blatantly low-res,
is the seventeenth pope with the Gregory 
Gomez claim'd to've received appa-
ritions from Jesus as 
well as the Virgin -- i-
ronical, that, since the 
former insurance man 
lost both his eyeballs, this
due to a car crash, which 
didn't, however... 

     (more to come: a work in progress) 

Monday, May 29, 2023

One Fine Day in the Kalihari

A verse prequel to "The Gods Must Be Crazy"
featuring Namibian farmer N!xau ╪Toma in his
younger days prior to his encounter with that
Coca-Cola bottle.

Once, N!xau found a piece of string.
“Attach,” his father said, “that thing 
to both ends of this willowwood 
and form a bow. You know you should, 
for with that bow you'll snare a hare, 
and all shall dine on tasty fare.” 
“Forget the bow,” his mother said. 
“Give me that piece of string instead 
and I shall thread it through this hide 
to make a loin cloth just so wide 
to camouflage your private parts... 
...and galvanize all San gal's hearts.” 
Spoke N!xau's brother then: “Forget 
those gals! Give me that string! I’ll bet, 
when fasten’d to this blackthorn pole 
and taken to the fishing hole, 
that string will net us fish galore -- 
perhaps a dozen -- maybe more.”

Then N!xau thought about that thread
and ev'rything his fam'ly'd said.
"The breech cloth would be dope, as would
the pole or bow: that's understood.
But I prefer to form a ring
to forecast what the future'll bring."

( more to come; a work in progress)  

Sunday, May 28, 2023

More Brewers: six more of an eventual twenty three portraits (click on each to view detail)


Elizabeth I 
with small beer 
in stoneware tankard

Belgian citizen
with lambic in 
typical glass

with can of 

Greg Kitsock 
with brew in 
Beer News mug

Martin Morse
Wooster with
flight in tasting

with brew in 
wooden tankard

Saturday, May 27, 2023

Brewers: eight of an eventual twenty three portraits (click on each image to view detail)


Jonathan Chapman
with apple cider 
in jam jar


   Diego Libkind
   with lager in 
   Erlenmeyer flask

   Elynour Rummyng
   with noppy ale
   in wooden tankard

   Paulaner monk 
   with strong beer 
   in wooden tankard

   Chesapeake denizen
   with Budweiser in 
   10-ounce can

   J. C. Jacobsen
   with lager yeast
   in top hat

   Michael Jackson
   with unidentified pint
   in 16-ounce glass

   Unhappy drinker
   with turd beer
   in red plastic cup

A (Very) Brief History of Rhyme

     "Stick with quantitative verse
      For fear of finding something worse."  
                         -- Higgins / Belloc

Once (or twice) upon a time,
some lines of verse began to rhyme.
     It happen'd here, or was it there...?
     I've never quite been certain where.
     Where'er, it were a happ'ning rare.

Before then, lines of all our songs
were sung in feet -- some shorts, some longs.
     Before, each line in meters beat --
     a rumbling thunder, tumbling feet
     behind the hills, across the street.

Before then, assonance was king.
Alliteration did its thing.
      This rush of consonants 'n' vow'ls
      enliven'd elegies 'n' growls,
      quintillas, limericks 'n' howls.

Then sev'ral times (or just the once)
occur'd an unexpected bunce:
     Some someone (none recall a name)
     began to play a rhyming game.
     An' since then shit all sounds the same.

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Toon Time


     The Republican 
National Committee
in partnership with
Terrortoons Productions 
     Donkle & Ronkle
the Doubletalking
"Here I come to save the day!"
"Queer...? I'm standin' in yer way!"

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Astro-nauty (But Nice...?)

The gifts which NASA's giftshop vends...? 
One calls 'em astro-bought.
When war ensues o'er who's to get 'em...? 
Those are astro-fought
Were one to search out further gifts, 
one'd call those astro-sought.
Whene'er an airborne gift one catches, 
call it astro-caught.
The range of gifts one lectures on...? 
One call those astro-taught.
The tightest gifts one brings to class...? 
The same, spelt astro-taut.
If made to make the gift oneself, 
one calls it astro-wrought.
And when a gift just won't add up,
one calls it astro-naught.

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

My Vow

My vow...? No grave for me 'til he's 
in maximum security.
I'll ne'er give up the ghost before 
he's locked behind an iron door.
For me, no crypt, no pinewood box 
'til he's equip'd with nineteen locks.
I'll never walk Grim Reaper's route 
'til Don has donn'd his orange suit.

I will not die before the guy 
sits tuck'd away in prison,
nor pass away before this crazy's 
equitably jail'd.
I'll not expire before the liar's 
number's fin'lly risen --
'til all his legal eagles rest 
and all his pleas have fail'd.
I won't succumb before the bum's 
seen pacing in a cell --
his offspring having fail'd to spring him, 
be they, oh, so clever.
I shan't depart before this fart 
begins hard time in Hell. 
And if indictments soon aren't filed, 
I might just live forever.

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Abandoned Ballades; Ferdinand Feghoot Meets Samuel Taylor Coleridge

     "The 'I'm Off to Maine 'n' Rarin' Ter ___...'"
in which is lyrically elucidated the Vacationland 
Sweepstakes entry form text to be completed 
by contestants as they describe their single 
favorite holiday activity in the Pine Tree State.

     "The Mange of the Rhymin' Heir...? Inter!"
in which the poem's narrator pleads that 
the lesions and scabs of the infected skin 
of his scion and beneficiary, also a poet, 
be buried with all appropriate ceremony.

     "The Range of the Miming Erin Tour"
in which is chronicled in sonnet form the 
itinerary of a company of pantomimists 
on their extended journey through Ireland.

     "The Reign of a Mime in Errant Ur"  
which relates in verse the tale of street 
performer and his elevation to the throne of 
a great city in ancient Sumer whose leaders 
mistake him for their rightful monarch.

Friday, May 12, 2023

Typos, Series 1: Famed (Defamed...?) Fat Fellows (and a Few Femmes) from Fictions, Films & Further Afield


     Images in the works: 

Vanity Fair's Paunchinello
Native Son's Even Bigger Thomas
Mark Twain's Huskyberry Finn
Herge's Tinton
Clue's Professor Plump
Alex Raymond's Fleshy Gordon
Star Wars's Obesewan Kenobi
Gustave Flaubert's Madame Bovinary
Death of a Salesman's Buff Loman
Philip Roth's Alex Portlynoy

Scott Fitzgerald's Jay Fatsby
Star Wars's Lardo Calrissian
Phil Silvers's Sgt. Bulko
Richard Outcault's Buster Brawn
Roanoke's Sir Walter Roly-Poly

 Folksong's Burly Ives
Twice-impeached Donald J. Dump
Carthage's Hannibulk & Hamilcarload
TV's Lucille Balloon
English Composer John Bloat

Cinema's Orson Whales
Casablanca's Humpty BoGut
The Hobbit's Bulbo Baggage
Jazz's Elephants Gerald
Mau Mau's Jumbo Kenyatta

Marx Brothers CouchPo, Hippo, Thicko & Zeppolin
Lolita's Bladdermir Nobokov
Illustrator Enormous Rockwell
Downton Abbey's Huge Beaumont
Playwright David Mammoth

Cambodia's Pol Pot
Playboy's Hugh Heftner
Comedian Bert Lahrd
Cinema's Orson Well-fed
First Lady of Jazz Elephants Gerald

 Trumpet Virtuoso Arturo Sand Oval

...and so it grows...

Rev'd Spooner Meets Rev'd Carroll

He sought to thaw  each thought he saw  flee, frozen, from his mind.  He peer'd again,  then gear'd his pen,  supposin' he'd...