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Monday, September 30, 2019

RLS Amp'd

The world is so full of a number of things –
of cedars and cypress’s annual rings;
of roads to Morocco with Dots, Bobs and Bings;
of governing folkmoots and Icelandic T'ings…

of jubilant feelings each holiday brings;
of Klingons aloof (and one Klingon who clings);
of Francis Sinatra’s “A-ring-ding-a-ding-ding!”s;
of Flashes and Zarkovs and Merciless Mings…

of Arkansas burghs like Fort Smith and Hot Springs;
of shortbodied mak'rel and long-bodied lings;
of Ning Jing and Ning Cheng and Ning Ying -- all Nings;
of yang-opposed yins which the naïve call yings...

of Irishmen’s ceilis and Scots’ Highland Flings;
of Brandy Manhattans and Singapore Slings;
of cymbals with sizzles and zithers with “zings”;
of southern fried chicken and barbecued wings…

of tuppence and wampum and cash that “ka-ching!”s;
of O rings and key rings and variant blings;
of Rolling Stones, Elton Johns, Beatles and Stings;
of black players – Sidneys and Denzels and Vings…

of Nipponese Yukis and Sino-Beijings;
of tom turkeys’ necks which my grandmother wrings…
No bull! It’s so full of a number of things
So: why aren’t we all more than happy as kings…?

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Life Takes a Haiku & Adds an Envoi! or Twenty Six Skidoo

Aiding rods and cones, goggles boost my infared: life by night's agleam --
not unlike a dream.

Bend it Korbut-like, lest you tumble to the floor: life's a balance beam.
Olga dares to dream.

Curds' casein (sans whey), Cornish cows' milk, cottage cheese: life apes clotted cream...
just like in my dream.

Don't be so quick to abandon rivertown shacks: life is hard downstream...
so unlike my dream.

Ever been to Mars…? It's not unlike living here: life -- in the extreme.
(Careful what you dream.)

For Pete's sake, fellas! You've been caution’d: never spin! Life's not foosball, team!
(Much more like a dream.) 

"Gracias, Fidel! Hasta prontoUncle Sam!" Life's el Golfo's stream.
(Leave: go live your dream.)

Half-lives of sherries are measur’d in months, not years…Harvey's Bristol Cream:
good for life…? You dream!

I love Haagen-Dazs, Ben & Jerry's and Edy's: life's like good ice cream.
(Care to share my dream…?) 

Just Google him, man! It's just inconceivable (life without Joaquim).
(Oo-oo-oo...I doo meese heem.) 

"Keep the 'Alcindor'…?" "Nope! Try out 'Abdul-Jabbar.'" (Life with Lew Kareem:
a defender's nightmare. 

Long…? Nope! Focuss’d…? Nope! Amplifiable…? No way! Life's no laser beam:
life is, Bud, a dream.

Memento mori...just in case death's slipp’d your mind: life as metameme --
not just in a dream.

Never saw The Card; never saw The Seventh Sin: life per Ronald Neame.
(How that man could dream!)

Oscar Wilde was right: bad verse springs from true feeling. Life's odd, don't you deem…?
(O thought so, 'twould seem.)

Promptitude's a must; wait not for Nones to kick off: life begins at Prime;
later, you can dream.

Quiet flows the Don (though not when rowing upstream): life's a quinquereme.
(Please: abort this dream!) 

Riots in the streets; you're a cinch to your head. Life, in old regimes,
guillotines one’s dreams.

Somebody told me, "Wetter shaves are better shaves." Life, like shaving cream,
lubricates my dream. 

Throw...row...tow your boat: get through any way you can. Life's this poem's theme...
albeit a dream.

Under the boardwalk, or on top of the boardwalk: life's severe upstream.
(Nothing but a dream.) 

Vice-consul father; actress mom; at least four wives: Life with M. Vadim...? 
Nightmare vs dream.

Where's that guy who said, "Life's just a bowl of cherries"…? Life's just sour’d whipp'd cream! 
(Thank god it's a dream.)

X-rated sound track: you're the Grammy nominee. Life's the next Xan's Theme.
(Who can't hear you scream…?) 

Yellow, violet, black 'n' blue and black...and blue: life's your color scheme.
(But then: it's your dream.) 

Zero chance in ten of beating Mr. Death.'s the zone supreme:
Who cares it's a dream…?!

Rhymes On Rough-to-Rhyme Rhymes

     [Re Rachel Maddow]
Who’s busy droppin' aitches...?
Some horse revealin' raches...?
Some cow concealin' naches...?
Nope. Maddow (i.e., Rache) is.

     [Re Michael Pollan]
Here’s Mike, findin' rhymes for
It seems Pollan's quite lavish. 
An' frugal, huh...?

     [Re Sancho and the Don]
I’m quizzin' Quixote,
“What rhymes, Don, with ‘purple’…?”
when suddenly, Sancho,
astride Dapple’s curple,
opines, “Ask him not.
His brain’s halt. He’ll just hirple.”
Adds Don: “Pace, Panza –
or suffer my nurple!”

     [Re Faegheh Atashin]
Googoosh, who’s rife with rhymes for
weighs her wage in Persian

     [Re William Inge]
I’ve said it before, Inge:
“There are rhymes for ‘orange.’”

     [Re Sir William Walton]
Search far 'n' wide, Will, fer
just one rhyme for ‘silver.’

     [Re A. A. Milne]
I’ve found no rhymes for ‘kiln.’
Does Pooh know any, Milne…?

     [Re Tom Brokaw]
Who would find a rhyme for ‘plankton
must quiz Brokaw: bloke's from Yankton.

     [Re Ark builder Noah and lexicographer Webster]
Pair the “rhymeless” word ‘midst’…?
Surely, Noah, thou didst.

     [Re Robert Moog]
If you're short of rhymes for ‘plinth,’
Bob can build one on his synth.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Supple Mary: a Bananagram

Supple Mary! 
Supple Mary favors early pumps,
which shoes express key suppleness 
when dating pearly umps.

Supple Mary! 
Supple Mary lofts a lumpy spare
which flat fifth wheel destroys my peel’d banana…
plus my pear.

Supple Mary! 
Supple Mary’s maple syrup jams
she pours from tuns all over buns, 
cream tarts and purple yams.

Supple Mary ask'd a puma, 
“Why do critters die…?”
“Blame Pupy’s Realm, papyrus, elm,“ 
came puma’s (weird!) reply.

Take A Haiku

I lean to my left,
allign’d beneath the moonshine.
Next, nothing happens

Suns sit in blue trees.
I take a step. Another.
After that, it's dark.

And all through the house
it's the night before Christmas.
So...where's Mrs. Claus…?

Adrian Boyer
and Sebastian Boyer, too:
Both boys my grandsons.

Arma virumque:
If at first you don't succeed,
let my people go!

The Russians are coming!
Frankly, my dear, I don't give!
(Russians...? Still coming!)

Mares eat oats and does eat oats.
She's your baby now.

To be or not to be...?
Requiescat in pace!
Midsummer Knight's Dream.

When I fall in love,
it's the Japanese sandman.
Oh, Jane: See Dick run!

Edgar Allen Poe;
Flopsie, Mopsie, Cottontail;
Andre the Giant.

Mexico City.
Robert Louis Stevenson:
The bird was a word.

Waiting for Godot:
The few. The proud. The Marines.

George W. Bush:
No runs, no hits. (No errors...?)


Take It In Reverse!

Z, Y, X and W...
V, U, T and S, R, Q...
P, O, N plus M and L...
K, J, I, H (as in 'Hell')...
G, F, E, D, C, B, A.  
ABC, but backwards, eh…?  
(Demonstrate some flair, some flex
when next you read your ZYX!)

Take It From the Center!

M, N, L and O, K, P...
J, Q, I, R, H, S, G...
T, F, U and E, V, D...
W and C, X, B...
Y, A, Z. Some Linear B...?
Nope! Just a spiral’d ABC. 

Your Take It From Here!

C, B, A and E, D, J…
P, G, H and T, V, K…
M, N, I and S, X, Q…
F, K, Y and R, O, U…
Z, of course, and W:

(What goes here…? One line from you.)

Take It Straight! Then Take It Snak’d!

Straight stroked: A, E, F, H, T...
straight, as well: K, L, V, Z...
straight, too: M, N, X, and I...
W’s straight. And ikewise Y. 
The rest -- B, C, D, G and U... 
plus J, O, P and R, S, Q -- 
contain one curvy stroke (at least). 
(With that, this ABC I've ceased.) 

Take My Order!

First: A, E, I, O,
(and sometimes Y): 
each one's a vowel -- on 
that you can rely. 
And all the rest -- B, C, 
D, F and G...
plus H, J, K, L, M...? 
Plus N and P... 
and Q, R, S, T,
plus X and Z... 
(plus W, the one 
They're consonants. So: now 
your ABC
you know, from vow'ls through con-
sonants. Agree...? 

Friday, September 27, 2019

Runcibl'd Spooner (Lore & Legend Edition)

Native princess Pocahontas. 
John Rolfe loved her. (So did Disney.)
Drumpf derides and mocks this woman. 
(Lay’n’ a Hoax Upon Us…isn’ he…?)

The House of Repre-
is right now pondering,
"What gives!?"

Pecos Bill, ol’ cowpokes say,
broke buckin’ broncs -- tye-yippee-yay! --
while Blake O’Spill gets thrown from bulls
at Lone Star cow-town tractor pulls.
No matter if your nonsense 
be galactic or sublunar,
do not let Herr U'dish'ion 
run away with Rev’d 'Spoon'er!

Bunyan...? Giant North Woods lumberjack
who ‘Paul’ was christen’d.
Pun-Yan, nicknamed “Bawl”…? Brash Sino-punster.
(No one listen’d).
Pilgrim’s Progress
Giant’s Onions...
Wait! Beware 
conflated Bunyans!


Casey Jones...? A locomotive driver. 
Crushed! (Too graphic...?)
So: who sets out those orange thingies...? 
J. C. Cones, from Traffic.
Stay 'tween the cones! 
Stay on the tracks!
'Twill spare you falling 
through the cracks.

Hopalong Cassidy: cowpoke on 
The cop along has a D...? A police officer -- the one 
accompanying me in my squad car -- displays his 
performance report card, noting -- a bit too gleefully, 
if you ask me -- how he narrowly avoided receiving 
a failing grade in this quarter's racial sensitivity
Some Spoonerisms
call for more
than rhyming couplets --
that's for shore. 

Elvis Presley (RIP): 
polemicist in denim tights.
Pelvis S. (like Robert E.): 
supremacist re southern whites. 
To diff'rent drummers do your dance --
nor never do Ulysses Grant's. 


Preston Sturges hollers, “Roll!”
Ten thousand ducks (or so ‘twere bill’d),
don hats. Then down they Sunset stroll.
(That screwball’s Stetson Purchase kill’d.)
To win an Oscar now and then
may well depend on gallons ten.

Next up: 

Davy Crockett & K-V'd Rocket 
Watson's Jim & Jots 'n' Whim 
Natty Bumppo & Batty Numppo 
Ichabod Crane & Kick a Bad Reign 
Sweeney Todd & Teenie's Wad 
Rip Van Winkle & Whip Fan Rinkle
Joe Magarac & Moe Jagger...ack!
Old Black Joe & Bold Jack Hoe
Br'er Rabbit & Rare Babbit
Hiawatha & Why A Hatha?
Sam Bass & Ba'am's Ass
Finn Mac Cool & Kin McFool

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Teas: a Demi-tasse (A thru M)

scant more cheerful, few'r as quick, 
none readier than me: 
     I eat fast 
food (who'd not ♥ Happy Meals!). 
I sip Alakra Tea.

Sandwich Shoppe...? I'd best not stop: 
no breakfast break for me. 
shortcakes -- two -- wash'd down with 
demi-tasse of Brevah Tea.

off her nut. Don't scoff: we but 
agree to disagree. 
     There is no 
reason why we two can't try 
lukewarm Çevilla Tea.

bitch what's in my kitchenette 
(a banjo on her knee): 
     she lip-syncs 
"Dinah," scarfing Dinah's s'mores* 
and downing Dinah's Tea.
     * Some mss show 'dinosaurs'; some, 
'Dinah's sores.' (One 'Dinah Shores.') Does 
each reveal a different but no less true 
nonsensiosity...? Of course, of course.

unions fought. 'Twas dearly bought, 
the tea-break...and the pee-. 
wrong to ask, "How long a task 
to steep Etournah Tea...?"

rush-week frats wield cricket bats 
with such sadistic glee, 
     then ask which 
brother dumps how many lumps 
in whose Fra Turna Tea...?

bowels not move...? Brew Grahva, love," 
growls Arthur G to me. 
pow'r's for real. Just drink: you'll feel 
the force of Grahva Tea.

joke about the priest, the rabbi 
and the manatee 
     is printed 
on each bag -- to view each time 
you brew  "Heil, Herr!” A Tea.

lives of crime, from time to time, 
may've led to Reading G.* 
lands Brit pricks -- bang! -- in their nicks...? 
The Iqua Tea. 
Jon** some modish son of god, 
some neo-deity...? 
     His drinkin's 
pass'd the stinkin' stage: 
wa-a-a-a-ay too much Jove E. Allah Tea.
     * Reading Gaol, the period Brit nick.
     ** Jon Bon Jove E Allah, perhaps...?

martial sports of sundry sorts, 
I soak my judo gi  
hot, with puce ju-jitsu juice; 
when not, with Karr (hot!) Tea.
no black buyers, 'cepting Myers,* 
in that CDP.** 
Levitt shack...? She took it black: 
both town and Levitt Tea.
     * Daisy Myers, hailed as "The Rosa Parks of the 
North," in 1957 became Levittown, PA's first African-
American family when she and her husband purchased 
a home not from Levitt & Sons, who refused to 
sell to African Americans, but from a European-
American family who already owned a home there. 
     ** Census-designated place -- Levittown is 
one such.

Magic Mount's no tragic fount -- 
unless Hans Castorp's spree 
symbolize the reckless rise 
of Herr Männ's Straße Tea.












Yazoo City 


A Tattle of Ts: Mr. Wishfulthink's Tell-All in re a Trump Abdication

Tintin tells Tutu...Tutu tells Tonto. 
Tonto tells Tito (I’m tellin’ the trut’).
Tito tells Toto...Toto tells Totie. 
Totie tells Tolstoy – who tells Little Toot.

Tintoretto tells Tootsie who tells Tiny Tim 
who tells Tommie 'n' Tuppence who’re tellin' Tartuffe.
Tartuffe's tellin' Tristram who tells Ratatouille 
who tells Tina Turner (for this tale, thin proof).

Ted Turner tells Titus who tells Tia Tabitha. 
Who tells Tess Trueheart…? 'Tis Toni Tennile --
tantamount to catastrophe, Tim Tyler thinks: 
"How shall Tubby the Tuba and Tommy Tune feel...?"

Tut tells the Titans...Tik-Tok tells Tantalus. 
Telling the Toltec...? 'Tis Tristan the Pict,
who is tellin' Tom Tolbert who’s tellin' a tsetse 
who – three times! – tells Trump. (Who then tells us, “I’m licked!”)

That'll Be the Day

'Twill dawn, and soon, 
a day whose noon -- 'tis true! --
sees Athlone Wood 
advance on Yeat's Coole;*
when I, beknownst to few, 
shall bid "Adoo!" -- 
when combs un-tissu'd 
out-zizz my kazoo
and when that dome at Gol Gumbaz** 
shan't do. 
     * In an Irish send-up of the Scottish play 
     ** The mausoleum of Mohammad Adil Shah 
and not to be confused with Golgotha (the Skull)

When Ethan Frome 
abandons red for blue;*
when froths of foam fail -- fie! -- 
to frappe my brew;**
when genome maps may 
make a meme of you,
and home no longer 
lures the Wand'ring Jew...
...when we In Rome 
shall do as Romans do. 
     * The Wharton novel is rife with red items, 
each toting its symbolic load.
     ** "Just a finger of froth as I finish a few," 
whistles the Sarge -- that's Sgt. N. ("Jim") 
Smithe-Magee (the N stands for 'Nonsense') 
from out of this blizzard of f-initialed words.

Yeah, that'll be the day --
you bet your boo! --
Jerome Jerome shall drift downstream 
with two;*
and when 'ein Kaum' to Klauses** 
means "ka-choo!"
When loam's allow'd 
in Chef Pepin's fondue
and mome Red Pandas 
shall outgribe in lieu.***
     * Jerome K. Jerome's best known novel r
emains Three Men in a Boat. 
     ** A colloquialism for Germans in 
Portuguese-speaking countries 
     *** In lieu, i.e., of the mome raths which 
nonsense lovers may have come to expect.

One day when Nome 
shall top a 102*
while "Om...!" alone's 
a way to say "Mon Dieu!"
When po'ms like this 
aren't drafted in the loo
and 'quo'm' stands not for 
'quorum' but for 'Whe-e-ew!'...
...and roamin' 'round the world-wide web's 
all through...** 
     * To date the high temp record in Nome 
is '68's 86 (or was that the other way around); 
but, hey: the climate's changing, isn’t it...? 
     ** Such might well prove disasterous for 
Sarge's poetry.

...'n' Soames takes trips 
and tries a toke or two.*
When tomes place terms like 
'uome' 'n' 'vome' on view --
when 'waume,' 'xome,' 'yeaum' 'n' 'zhome' 
appear per u.**:
yep, that'll be the day, alright, 
when you --
with me, in Rome -- 
shall do as Romans do. 
     * This particular Forsyte, of Saga fame, 
stands as a literary paragon of respectability. 
     ** As per usual, as a matter of course, 
in the common run of things, and so forth...

The A Word & Other Lexemes or Verboten Verbiage Varia

'April' and 'buck' 

One utters the A word
as one’s mates move Mayward.
Admired…? Nope! I fear it's
enmired. (Too much March.)
The B word Tru* hollers –
to guarantee dollars
pols pass stop, at las,' 
on his desk -- shows tru' starch. 
     * Not author Capote but former
Buck-Stopper-in-Chief Harry S.

'Cuckold’ and 'drunkard'

The C word gets mention'd
by nerds ill-intention'd,
the gals of whose pals 
toy with boys on the side.
The D words…? They're said 
when too much liquid bread
lets one's bro into 
haut dipsomania slide.

'Enema' and 'fart' 

The E word shoots shivvers 
up colons, down livers,
for rectal dysfunction's
no man's mug o' tea.
Though not what you think 'er, 
the F word's a stinker
when gas up the ass 
is one's fate -- accompli.

'Green' and 'halitosis'   

The G word, though being 
the new blue to many,
is bann’d in all red states.
(Do you vote in any...?) 
The H word...? They say 
he said she said I've got it.
(I say: Vescere bracis meis*...
or: sod it!)
      * Latin -- and vulgar Latin 
at that – for "Eat my shorts!"

'Injun' and 'jap'

A Native American insult –
the I word.
Down under, it's 'abo'
though such'd not be my word.
The J word,
in Double-U-Double-U-2,
seem'd acceptable then.
(Oh! The evil men do!)

'Kike' and 'lesbo' 

Down the last ring of hell 
one imagines Herr Ado'ph
pronouncin' the K word...
then laughin' his haid off.
Misogynist man-children
whisper the L word...
then snort...and continue 
itiner'ries hellward.

'More' and 'nothing'

The M word gets mention'd
by Dickens's Twist
(all who do do get more...*
though with slaps on the wrist),
while the N word,*
to die-hard creationists...? Weird!
They insist this world's made 
by some blade in a beard.
     * Oliver famously asks for 
"more, please" as gruel is
served out. 

'O-rings' and 'panties' 

It took Richard* to bring up
the O word; he show'd
how, because the things froze,
NASA's Challenger blow'd.
The P word...? On Seinfeld
this shorthand for 'scanties'
proves mentionable. 
(Elaine mentions the _______!)
     * Physicist Feinman

'Quik' and 'dead' 'red' 

Don't mention the Q word
when visiting Hershey:*
they'll soak you in sauce
till you're "beggin' for mershey."
You're suspected of being the R word...?
will ruin your life
till you're "beggin' for marthy.”
     * In Pennsylvania

'Shit' and 'tit' 

Swung the hammer...and miss'd. 
Hit the thumb: "Ow!" Got piss'd.
Form'd: the agonized fist. 
Now the S word gets hiss'd.
The T word means 'breast,' 
like most mammary monikers:
'chesticles,' 'sweater meat,' 
'hooters,' 'boobs,' 'honkers'... 

'Ubu' and 'vagina' 

'Tis OK if one mentions 
the U word in Art.
Oh, if only we'd see it,*
and take it to heart.
There were days when the V word 
was strictly forbidden.
Then enter'd Eve Ensler. 
Now, nothing stays hidden.
     * E.g., "Ubu Roi," the theater-of-
the-absurd piece by Alfred Jarry.

'Why' and 'XXX')

The W word: that it's 
banned is half lie:
it's both outlawed and urged -- 
do (or don't) question "why...?" 
The X word's avoided 
when dupl'd and tripl'd
in ratings of films -- 
those well penis'd and nippl'd.

'Yoni' and 'zoff' 

The Y word...? In Sanskrit, 
it's eas'ly avoided:
Max Wertheimer didn't, 
but Maslow and Freud did.
Comes, lastly, the Z word; 
suppressed! (Although utter'd
by me,* who well knows 
on which side bosh bread's buttered). 
     * That's why the Z word gets 
mentioned a dozen times in the 
nonsense verse parody "Let's Call 
the Whole Thing 'Zoff'!" which
can be seen elsewhere on this blog.


(Verses and images to come:  a work in progress.) HAMPDEN  DAMP HEN DAPHNE M.  MEAN PHD DAPH 'N’ ME  H, P, M AND E    …AND HEMP  Bandid...