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Monday, August 23, 2021

A(rray)BC (11)

Alejandro and Alvino Rey – 
are they not Reys…?
Aldo Ray and Alan Mobray:
ain't they also Rays…?
Braided B'yonce's brayin’
backs bourées. (Bourées ain’t ‘ray’s.)
Blacken’d blues are true-blue hues.
They’re grey’d blade Brother Ray’s.
Charo's charr’d: charcoal-corroded.
Robert Cray's Crayola-coated.
Cool-J's choler’s color-coded,
spray’d by cathode rays.
Desdemona’s dreamin,’ doe-eyed.
Dewy-…? Sho. (Though don't say "sloe-eyed.")
Slingin’ (slangin’) ‘dhese ‘n’ dhose.’
A dozin’ Désirée.
Earl ents with silver’d tray.
(Served…? Hot cross buns, cold Earl Grey.)
Fau's five fingers flail;
four fin'lly fail, forthwith, to play. 
Sing, singers! Sing solfege, we pray:
" -- sol-sol-la-sol –
fa-fa-sol-fa mi-mi-fa-mi
Gram's gamma rays, as they decay,
turn Gram's beret a charcoal grey. 
Herr Hitler's home. Herr’s here to stay.
(Herr's hit the hay…? Hoo-ray!)
In love I am, with Ina Ray.*
In re, I say: "Into the fray!"
Join Johnny Ray and Jules Maigret
in jamboree (not jamboraye)!

     * Ms. Hutton was born 
Odessa Cowan. Nonetheless…
Kol Nidrei calls for gnosh outré: 
McKippers!* (Kroc's the fast-fare Ray.)
Let eel (lamprey), with seal -- (say) grey…?  
beside us kneel. Now: Let us pray!
     * Ideal for Yom Kippur 
(aka Yum Kipper...?)
 Rays…? Manta ray, Man Ray's moray,
Marin Marais and Martha Raye,
Nanette Fabray and Nadia Gray,
and Rayner (Ray)* and Marvel Ray.**

     * Chicago kids' TV staple.   
     ** Ina Ray's mother -- cf above.
Omar works or prays: no play. 
His life’s "orar' et labore."
(Oh, no: he's "Om-m-m-m-m"'d his day away.)
"Phil Harmony is Paul Paray," 
prates Paul's 'paraymate' M. Dupre.*

     * Organist and childhood pal 
of Paray's.
“Quaere verum” -- seek what's vrai!
(It's either that or quit the fray!) 
Rachel Ray ain’t Robert Cray. 
(Is Rainer Rilke Cray…? No way!)
Sugar Ray, with Spalding Gray,
San-Luis-Rey-way stray’d one day.
'Tis too tres tres, that tea-tray trey:
try trading two. (Then, traipse away.)
UV (ultravi'let) rays
from Uranus upset my days.
Van Gogh voudrait to vault -- oy, vay!
from Vezelay to Vau. (C'est vrai!)
No! Wardell Gray is not Faye Wray: 
her wigwam’s of a warmer grey.
X-ray's Charles G. Barcla*…? Famed
for forays in re: rays!
Whereas Chuck Barkley, reigning as Sir Charles…?
Famed for___?___ (Has been for days!)

     * Brit C. G. Barcla won the '17 Nobel 
in Physics for work in x-ray spectroscopy.
You've not yet visited Ypres…?
You're young yet. Pray: you'll yield one day.
Z. Ray Wakeman (hair gone grey) 
pulls stunts in films...or so they* say.

     * 'They,' in this case, being the fine folks –
several named Ray, it's safe to say -- who amass
and post content for Google’s search engine.

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