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Monday, August 23, 2021

Textual Harassment (Frags) (11)

In thrilling days of yester-,
there dwelt due west of Leicester,
beyond its housing cluster,
a crone – an empty nester --
who came to calls for "Hester!"
This maid (no Lady Astor)
then wed the village barr’ster --
a mouthpiece name of Buster
(young Buster’d but to ask her) --
and bore him sons call’d Fester,
MacAllister and Lester.
Young Fester, “Cal” and Lester,
moreover, had a sister
whom Hester christen’d Brewster –
(a name-your-child disaster
no Christian church would foster).
Still, thus she introduced her
at matins ev’ry Easter... 

     *   *   *  *   *
...but marriage lost its luster.
Her Buster proved a shyster.
He promptly play’d the jester
who pined for pastures vaster,
lands south-southwest of Ulster.
Thus, mistress lost her mister:
this blister roundly cursed her,
and, donning toque and duster,
the legal beagle diss’d her…
     *   *   *   *   *
…who drove a roller coaster
misnamed The Upper Cruster.
One day he grabb’d a sister.
(Of nuns he was a quester.)
He’d cased ‘er. Then he’d cuss’d ‘er,
though of cursing he’d accus’d her.
Into a car he cast ‘er
(though not before he’d kiss’d ‘er).
She, fearing he'd molest ‘er,
purloin'd from him the keys ter
the rusty Upper Cruster…
     *   *   *   *   *   
…then kick’d him in the keister...
...The End...?

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