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Monday, August 23, 2021

Prosopogostichs for Herbert Crowley (Past)

Not unpleasant to know…? Mr. Crowley –
like Euphrosyne, bringer of mirth.
Herbert's vow…? Ne’er to throw in the tow’l. He
to The Wiggle-Much funnies gives birth,
then gets dump’d by the Herald most foully.
An artiste of penn’d heavens on earth,
via deeds of one Duerr, Herbert Crowley
fin’lly demonstrates cultural worth.
Prosopogostichs are verses created by poetaster
Ulysses Poe in imitation and celebration of those
lines penned by Edward Lear which begin “How
pleasant to know Mr. Lear…” Initially intended
to provide mini-portraits in verse of authors who
achieved fame as creators of nonsense poetry,
there now exist scores of prosopogostichs
memorializing an ever-increasing range of
individuals famous or infamous for success
in a variety of fields.

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