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Tuesday, August 24, 2021

'For': an ABC (11)

A's for A Fistful of Dolors.
B is ‘for Bette -- or for worse.’
C is ‘for cryin' out loud!’
D’s for a fo(u)r-door'd Ford hearse.
E is ‘forensic pathology.’
F's fo(u)r fifths gin, four fifths Jello.
G is ‘forgetting the cadmium yellow…
for Herr J's a jolly good fellow!’
I…? For it's one...two...and three strikes. (You’re outed!)
J is for Jonson, the playwright.
K is ‘forklifting each fork from the road.’
L is ‘for love of the moonlight.’
M is ‘for me, my RC ‘n’ my gal.’
N is ‘for none of th'above.’
O is ‘for once – just this once -- in my life.’
P's ‘For Pete's sake, Guv, don't shove!’
Q is for Queen. (Never Country…?)
R is for rent, sale or lease.
S is ‘For such is the King Dome of heaven.’
T's for the secret police.
U is ‘For unto us children are born.’
V is for very low cost.
W…? For Whom the Bell Tolls. (‘Tis for thee.)
X is for Xenofrost, gloss’d.
Y is ‘for your ice, a loan.’
Z is Forza del Destino.
(& is for ampersands, naturellement…
and my final denoumentarino.)

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