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Tuesday, August 24, 2021

PapaJim (11)

Kids warble not o'er Corp'ral Nym.
They burble not of Kipling's Kim.
(What's 'Sgt.' but some pseudonym --
not homonym, not symbol.)
A tympanim…? Not PapaJim --
nor brass, nor tink'ling cymbal.

What's 'MamaJude' but antonym…?
What's 'PeePeeJay' but acronym…?
What's 'Tiny Tim'….? (All mimsey, him --
tho’ he’ll ne’er gyre and gimble.)
No patronym limns PapaJim --
although his limbs be nimble. 

He sports more arms than cherubim
but fewer wings than seraphim.
He'll not acknowledge Elohim:
in fact, he’s hock’d his hymnal.
No phantom limbs claims PapaJim --
"I like to limn things simple." 

Regales he tales, like Brother Grimm;
boasts bales of -flam (tho’ min'mal flim-).
"I've yet to set a foot in Zim,"
says he with flash of dimple.
"Zimbabwe’s wa-a-a-ay too grim!" moans ‘Jim --
whereon Pop pops your pimple. 

What's "...promisisti quam olim..."?
Some prayerful hymn of PapaJim’s
not sung in church but in the gym,,,?
"Each gleeman wears a whimple,"
wags PapaJim -- but, interim,
Jim's verse is terse “le quimple.”

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