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Tuesday, August 24, 2021

-Oyphabet (11)

At ABCs, girl, I’m your boy --
gilt-edge, world-class, the real McCoy.
Heads up! Achtung! Take heed! Ahoy!
as I some twenty-six deploy.
An A fronts ‘Arundhati Roy.’
A B initiates ‘bok choy.’
A C gives birth to ‘corduroy.’
A D begins (sans ‘t’) ‘Detroi-.’
Edging forward, I employ
both E and F for ‘Eddie Foy.’
A G, in Yiddish, opens ‘goy’
plus half of Boorman’s “Hope and Glo’y.”
An H initials ‘hoi polloi’
and ‘Helen’ (formerly of Troy).
I takes the lead in ‘Illinois.’
(It also sets up ‘Iroquois.’)
A J…? It’s just to jump-start ‘joy.’
A K begins not ‘carp’ but ‘koi.’
An L…? ”The Thin Man”’s Myrna Loy.
An M heads Beckett’s play “Molloy.”
Annoyingly, N’s not for ‘noy,’
but O (sans ‘l’) opes ‘Olive Oy-.’
A P prompts Rumpole’s ‘Pomeroy.’
Q leads, not ‘Matsu,’ just ‘Quemoy.’
An R’s a double threat: ‘Rob Roy.’
An S inaugurates ‘St. Croix’
and stomps its impress on ‘Savoy.’
It takes two Ts to ‘Tinker Toy.’
A U starts ‘Ubu Roi.’ (Think “Roy.”)
A V…? V launches ‘Vic-e-roy.’
To kick off ‘weiner’ (saveloy),
A W you must deploy.
An X prompts…not much. (As a ploy,
friends recommend the word ‘xystoi.’)
A Y leads ‘yo un nino soy.’
(From where I sit, that’s “I’m your boy.”)
Last, lest these crambos start to cloy
(or worse: to thoroughly annoy),
a Z originates ‘Zoy Zoy.’
Now, let me hear some “Atta boy!”!

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