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Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Who's the Patron Saint of... (11)

...sufferers from sexually transmitted diseases...?
Bede the Venerable Venereal
...ambulance chasers...?
St. Therese of Lisieux Let's Sue! Alcoholics Anonymous members...?
St. Bernadette Soubirous Sober...? You...? (per GFH) 
...newsprint puzzle solvers...?
St. John of the Cross Crossword.
...untalented ice-capades performers...?
St. Brendan the Navigator Naff Figure-Eighter.
...the longsuffering...?
St. Thersa of Avila HalfaLoaf.
...initiators of hostile takeovers...?
St. Thomas Aquinas AquireUs!
...sufferers of eating and drinking disorders...? 
St. Hildegarde of Bingen Bingin.' (per GFH) 
...Arab Conservative politicians...?
St. John the Baptist Ba'athist.
...alternative medicine healers...?
St. Joseph of Arimathea Aromatherapy. (per GFH)
...tiresome Irish storytellers...?
St. John Borromeo Bore o' Mayo.
...edible seaweed farmers...?
St. Philip Neri Nori.
...corrupt senators...?
St. Anthony of Padua Pad-Your-Wallet.
St. John Bosco.
...rogues and rascals...?
St. Joan of Arc the Arch.
...uncontrollable potty-mouths...?
St. Martin of Tours Tourettes.
...practitioners of the filibuster...?
St. John the Divine Defyin.'
...highway civil engineers...?
St. James the Greater Grader.
...stand-up comics...?
St. Isaac Jogues Jokes.
...couch potatoes...?
St. Ignatius of Loyola Lie-All-Ovah.
...refrigerator adhesive retailers...?
St. Albertus Magnus Magnet.
St. Aloysius Gonzaga GoneGaga.
...the morbidly obese...?
St. Augustine of Hippo Hippos.
St. Francis Assisi o' Sissies.
St. Bernard of Clairvaux Clairvoyance.
...the horrified...?
St. Vincent de Paul d'Appall'd.
...effete tipplers...?
St. Alphonsus Liguri Liqueurie 
...closet drinkers...?
St. Joseph of Cupertino Cup o' Tea, No...?
...derelict alcoholics...?
St. Juan Capistrano CuppaSterno

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He sought to thaw  each thought he saw  flee, frozen, from his mind.  He peer'd again,  then gear'd his pen,  supposin' he'd...