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Saturday, August 21, 2021

Names with a K (Star Trek Edition) (Unpub)

Ever wonder why Roddenberry didn't dub his fledgling sf 
effort "Star Trip," "Star Safari" or "Star Outing"? Perhaps 
the final selection resulted from the Final Frontiersman's 
apparent enthusiasm for names with a 'K' sound -- 
names sporting 'q's, hard 'c's, 'x's and, of course, 'k's. 
     Thus the series title short list might have included 
"Star Hike" but not "Star Sojourn," "Star Junket" but not
"Star Jaunt," "Star Campaign" but not "Star Migration," 
"Star Caravan" but not "Star Pilgrimage," "Star Circuit" but 
not "Star Voyage," "Star Quest" but not "Star Ramble"...and, 
of course, "Star Trek" but not "Star Hegira." As for the cast 
of characters – check out the roster array'd below.  
The Names
Chris Pike   Spock   Colt   James Kirk   Doctor McCoy   "Scotty"   
Hikaru Sulu   Chekov   Christine Chapel   Jean-Luc Picard   
Riker   The Crushers   Katherine Pulaski   Alexander Rozhenko   
Keiko   Kurn   Lwaxana   Q   Barclay   Sarek   Annika   
Mark Jameson Ishka   Hawk   Dixon   Benjamin & Jake Sisko   
The Kiras   Quark   The Daxes   Opaka Garak   Martok   
Gul Dukat   Tekeny   Vic Fontaine   Shakaar   Kasidy   Kimara   
Cretak   Zek Gorkon   Gralik   Grilka   Gromek   Kathryn Janeway   
Chakotay   Tuvok   H. Kim   The Doctor Neelix   Kes   Seska   
Vorik   Kashimuro   J. Carey   S. Nicoletti   Michael Jonas   
W. Baxter   Doctor Chaotica   Braxton   Jarok   E. Jellico   Kahless   
Kamala   Kang   Kargon   The Karidians Karina   W. Keel   E. Keeler   
Keevan   Kell   K'Ehleyr   Keogh   Kessick   L. Kahn   K'Kath   
Klaa Klag   K'mpec K'mtar   K'nera   Kodos   Kohlar   Kol   Kolopak   
Koloth   S.Kolrami A. Komononov   Konmel   Konsab   Koord   
Kor   Korax   Korris   Koss   Koval   Kozak   Kras Krell   Kruge   
K'Temoc   Kunivas   Kuvak   Kyle   Nick Locarno   Loskene   
Lovok   Kieran MacDuff   Kila   Carol and David Marcus   Martok   
T. Tucker   Malcolm Reed   Phlox Maxwell Forrest   Erika Hernandez   
Silik   E. Cutler   Thy'lek Shran   
                                               …and surely there are others…  

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