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Saturday, August 21, 2021

"Rain in Spain" Rewind (Past)

In Jars, the bars are staff'd by tars named Lars. 
In June, Rangoon poltroons harangue, "Monsoon!!"

In Hue, each day is grey (staid Hueans say).
The heat in Crete beats even the elite.
In Corse-du-Sud, of course, they've floods of mud.
A freezin' breeze brings Pisans to their knees.

Chicago's smog leaves joggers' dogs agog.
Florence warrants "Torrents...? None like Lawrence...?" 
The luge is huge in Bruges, not Baton Rouge.
Their goal in Seoul…? Control that ozone hole.

Few mull a scull through Dol. Its chances…? Null.
Hugh Grant’s in Hants, romancing my great-aunts.
My stays in Hays…? Unphased by Les Malaises.
The snow at Meaux’s aglow. (Most apropos!)

In Gaul, their Walmart’s small: one story tall.
Sri Ram from Guam’s a prominent imam.
It’s sad how bad the haddock tastes in Chad.
The myrrh from Ur’s imperfect, that’s for sure.

In Cerne, you’ll learn: they’ve furniture to burn.
The sleet in Crete’s replete with cream of wheat.
When snow in Stowe’s this low, you mustn’t go.
The jakes in Aix house snakes, for heaven sakes.

In Berne, men yearn to spurn the joint return.
In Wales, some males raise snails in painted pails.
Toulouse’s Jews: abusive to Peru’s.
In Nice, the geese displease the Suisse police.

In France, few dance with fancy Philo Vance.
Sid spit in Split. “Admit it, Sid…and quit!”
In Perth, they’ve earthy mirth, for what it’s worth.
In Troy, the hoi polloi employ no goy.

In Ghent, I lent some gent his next month’s rent.
Which dome in Rome was home to Ethan Frome…?
In Rye, the sky is dry. (I wonder why.)
The scene in Wien is frequently unclean.

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